Leather Jacket Weather & A New Location

New location for the photo shoot today guys. 'Cuz guess what? I ventured outside of my house for once to shoot some pics. Yes, I went out on the streets and posed for 15 minutes while people walked past watching. And it wasn't actually as daunting as it sounds. And shock, horror! No brick wall!… Continue reading Leather Jacket Weather & A New Location

SheIn Fashion Dupes | Their Take On Zara’s Faux Fur

I've been obsessing over all of the faux fur jumpers in Zara lately and I allowed myself to pick out one. (See all the pics here.) They're pretty extravagant with huge furry sleeves and embellishments so I didn't know if I'd get enough wear out of them for everyday. Then, I'm scrolling through SheIn, and… Continue reading SheIn Fashion Dupes | Their Take On Zara’s Faux Fur

How I Edit My Blog Photos | Apps & Filters

I  normally just chat on about my outfits in these blog posts, and don't get me wrong, I love this 'fit but I thought I'd make this post a little different. It always interests me to see how other people edit their photographs. What apps do they use, and which are their favourite filters within… Continue reading How I Edit My Blog Photos | Apps & Filters

Babe Of A Sweatshirt & How To Style It

I don't need to tell you again how much of a sweatshirt freak I am. I suppose you just know that by now (or if you're new here, then guess what? I'm a sweatshirt freak.) So that's all I need to say really, and how cute is this slogan beauty? Although from the first pic,… Continue reading Babe Of A Sweatshirt & How To Style It

High Street Clothing Haul | Topshop Zara H&M

I posted my first sit-down, chatty video on youtube and it's a high street clothing haul! Head over to my channel here to watch it. Let me know what you think and don't forget to subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GY-pLcWcFw Follow me on Instagram @notcentralfash & Bloglovin' for more updates! All the links to the items in my… Continue reading High Street Clothing Haul | Topshop Zara H&M

Bold Flared Sleeves | The Trend You Should Be Wearing Right Now

What I've learned from fashion recently is that when in doubt, go for a bold sleeve. They can apparently fix any and every fashion crisis. Whyyy? I hear you cry. Well because they make every outfit look ten times more put together for starters. Imagine a pair of your oldest blue jeans worn with your… Continue reading Bold Flared Sleeves | The Trend You Should Be Wearing Right Now

The Importance of Your Jeans Hemline & A Little More Leopard

It was only earlier on this week when I shared a leopard print look with you, but there's more coming your way tonight, just to prove to you how versatile this particular animal print is. The green and red printed sweat-top might have been a bit too in-ya-face for some people, but don't disregard the… Continue reading The Importance of Your Jeans Hemline & A Little More Leopard