
Shirt - Select, Heels - M&S (thrifted), Headphones - Sony ZX310, iPhone Case - Marc Jacobs It's quite appropriate that I did my work experience at a charity shop this week, because a lot of my blog posts are centred around thrift shopping and all of the different and amazing bargains you can pick up. I feel like I'm a… Continue reading 4.50

9 to 5

Jacket - Available on eBay shop here, T Shirt & Jeans - Republic, Satchel - ASOS, Watch - Marc Jacobs Since I've been going out on work experience from 9 to 5 each day this week, I've realised there are only a few things I want to do when I get home in the evenings: sit outside… Continue reading 9 to 5

Work Experience

Black - Glamorous | Lace - Thrifted | Pink - Select | Blue Floral - Glamorous | Black Floral - Thrifted | Cream - Hearts & Bows Sandals - Jack Wills Skirt - F+F | Boots - Thrifted | Watch - Marc Jacobs Would two posts in one day be too excessive? Maybe, but since… Continue reading Work Experience