The Struggle of Having Blogger’s Block Way Too Often

Hey guys! I hope you've all had the best christmas filled with food and family. Now we're getting towards the new year I'm getting back into the swing of things with blog posts. I'm starting that off today with a post about the struggle of blogger's block (because I suffer from that waayy more than I… Continue reading The Struggle of Having Blogger’s Block Way Too Often

Ultimate Knitwear | Oversized Pink Jumper

Guys! I think I might have found the ultimate knit of the season right here! It's bright pink, so so cosy, and just the right amount of oversized. Every time autumn/winter rolls around, we all go on the hunt for that perfect knit. You know it's true. We search high and low, accumulating tens and… Continue reading Ultimate Knitwear | Oversized Pink Jumper

Pink Fluffy Zip-Up | How To Keep Warm In Fashion

Woah. It got real cold real quick and boy am I glad of this fluffy zip-up. Now it's November I feel like we've skipped straight to winter and the temperature seems to have dropped overnight. If you're someone who feels the cold like me then I think you need to get your hands on something… Continue reading Pink Fluffy Zip-Up | How To Keep Warm In Fashion

Finding A Designer Handbag Dupe

We all like to look at designer items when it comes to fashion but it takes a lot to actually part ways with your hard-earned dosh and invest in a designer piece. I've been this close before with a Kate Spade bag and a pair of Kurt Geiger shoes but my style and mind change far… Continue reading Finding A Designer Handbag Dupe

It’s Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Let's have lots of food, family, and happiness ... and then hit the sales tomorrow! Check back here then for my guide on the best boxing day offers! Check out my Instagram (@notcentralfash) for more festive fun! xx Sophie Wearing: H&M jumper (sold out, similar here)

How To Wear The Longline Cardi In Winter

I don't know if you've ever noticed but I'm not much of a cardi girl in general. I much prefer a jumper or a bomber jacket as an extra layer, but this longline chunky-knit cardi from SheIn really caught my eye. It could quite well have been the badges that drew me in (you know I… Continue reading How To Wear The Longline Cardi In Winter

The Coat That’ll Keep You Cosy This Winter

What I've learned with blogging in previous years is that although I love the winter time, it's the worst time ever to keep a fashion blog going. For starters it's so cold and dark outside that the motivation to go out and shoot photographs is virtually non-existent, and secondly I always seem to run out of… Continue reading The Coat That’ll Keep You Cosy This Winter

Travelling Through Scotland / Berwick, Edinburgh, Inverness, Beauly

On the second travelling day of my holiday, we drove from Berwick and all the way up through Scotland, with a quick stop off in Inverness before ending up in the little village of Beauly. We took a few snaps in each place and once again, I've compiled them together for your viewing!  Inverness Beauly… Continue reading Travelling Through Scotland / Berwick, Edinburgh, Inverness, Beauly

Where I Stayed / Eagle Brae Log Cabins

I've done a lot of blog posts showing you the beautiful scenery from my holiday to Scotland, but none have actually shown you the inside of the amazing log cabin I stayed in at Eagle Brae. Obviously we did snap some pics inside while we were there so I compiled them all together and I'm sharing… Continue reading Where I Stayed / Eagle Brae Log Cabins

How To Layer Your Summer Pieces For Winter

There was some amazing snowy weather while I was away in Scotland this week, and I was lucky enough to snap some pics in it before it melted away the next day! It also gave me the chance to layer up my favourite denim dress that I got from Zara earlier this year. I saw… Continue reading How To Layer Your Summer Pieces For Winter