Patch Jeans & Blush Tones

I know the patch trend was huge. It's been, it's happened, and I should probably be getting over it by now, but every time I see something adorned with patches and embroidery, I'm sold. I bought these jeans about a month ago, maybe more (read my first post about them here) and I'm still convinced… Continue reading Patch Jeans & Blush Tones

The Camouflage Denim Jacket You Can Wear All Year Round

I think the hooks in my room are about to fall off the wall underneath the weight of all of my jackets. They're accumulating fast, but don't worry - this one only cost me £3 in a charity shop! I'm not a cardigan kind of person so I always wear jackets as an extra layer… Continue reading The Camouflage Denim Jacket You Can Wear All Year Round

The Skinny Fit Dungarees & Where To Shop Summer Sandals

Sorry for the lack of blog posts here lately, but I'm back this weekend, showing you how to style a pair of skinny dungarees! You've all seen my Topshop dungarees (if you missed them, check it out here) which have more of a relaxed fit around the legs and are great to wear rolled up… Continue reading The Skinny Fit Dungarees & Where To Shop Summer Sandals

The Unexpected Matching Combo For Spring

A matchy-matchy set is always a winner for the summer-time, but I found the perfect -unexpected- matching set in my wardrobe for spring. I've had both this skirt and jacket for quite a while but I bought them separately, on different shopping trips and I never really thought about the fact that I'd picked out… Continue reading The Unexpected Matching Combo For Spring

Why Good Clothes Come To Those Who Wait

Despite my incredibly slow wifi, I'm finally managing to get this post out to you. *note to self* upload photos in advance of writing/publishing a post to avoid a one-two hour delay (I listened to a whole Arctic Monkeys album before this thing was ready to publish). Anyway, I will not use this post to… Continue reading Why Good Clothes Come To Those Who Wait

Moon & Sun

When I saw this shirt in a magazine it was worn underneath a yellow sweatshirt but since I don't have a yellow sweatshirt, I thought I'd pair it with my Ilse Jacobsen gold jacket instead. So it doesn't create quite the same preppy look, but it creates my look, and it got me to put… Continue reading Moon & Sun

Back With The Dungarees

So I might have been procrastinating a wee little bit these past couple of days and haven't managed to get a post out to you until now. Sorry about that. I've got the interior design bug at the moment, you know the one you get from endless scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram? Why do people… Continue reading Back With The Dungarees

Denim Dress of My Dreams

I don't know if you saw a sneaky peek on my instagram (@notcentralfash) of a recent purchase of mine from Zara. I captioned it 'might have found the denim dress of my dreams' and I really think I did. You know I'm not really much of a dress girl but I am a denim gal and this… Continue reading Denim Dress of My Dreams


Sorry I've been gone for five days, but I'm back! I'm not feeling very inspired at the moment so writing a blog post isn't the easiest! Work is busier at the moment too so I've only got a couple of days a week to shoot photos and write posts but I've been trying to schedule… Continue reading 24/01/16

Ever Heard Of A Faux Fur Top?

I've had faux fur coats before -been there, done that- but a faux fur top? Now that's a new one. I don't think I'd ever have thought of it myself but it really works, and in all black it's pretty chic. I could wear this smart or casual, dressing it up or making it fun.… Continue reading Ever Heard Of A Faux Fur Top?