
The first day of college is always scary, no matter who you are or where you're going. Everything's completely different to high school, and it can take a bit to get used to. One thing that I know a lot of people are finding the most difficult about college, is that you have to find… Continue reading Image:FirstDayOfCollege


A very big thank you to Stephanie of for nominating me for The Most Creative Blogger Award! I feel so grateful to be recognised for this award. The rules for this award are: 1. You should link to the blogger who nominated you in your post, as I have done above. 2. Either copy… Continue reading Image:MostCreativeBloggerAward


Nike shoes are soo great - they're comfortable, practical and oh-so fashionable. I don't know why I don't wear mine more often! {Hi-tops ~ Nike Playsuit ~ Firetrap}


There's a lot of hype around at the moment about model Cara Delevingne, and I can't help but love her too. The world is talking about how beautiful she is and how, not only can she model, but she can sing now as well, but I like her because she doesn't seem to be afraid… Continue reading Image:CaraInspired


When I bought these leggings, they'd been paired with a cute little wine coloured top and a black leather jacket, and I thought at the time that the outfit was perfect. However, I sadly don't own a black leather jacket, and I've already featured my cute little wine coloured top in my Camouflage post, so… Continue reading Image:Wine&Leather


Since dip dying my hair using bleach a few weeks ago, I thought I might try using a colour shampoo for a while, to try and enhance the blonde. When rifling through our collection of shampoos at home, the only colour shampoo I could find was Aussie Colour Mate. I loved that shampoo so much,… Continue reading Image:BeautyRoutine


I've been listening to Brandon & Leah's "Showstopper" on repeat these past few days, and I just can't seem to get it out of my head. Then, when I received this Marc Jacobs watch as a present for my results yesterday, the word that pops into my head when I look at it, is in… Continue reading Image:Showstopper


Before I get started, there are two quick things I want to say about this post: 1. I know that I just did a post about the beach, but I love the photos that I got here so I couldn't not post them. 2. This will be one of two posts today. The other post,… Continue reading Image:NOTCENTRALFashion