It’s OK To Be In The Stay At Home Club

The Stay At Home club. My favourite club, and the best club I've ever been a part of. Beats netball club and it sure beats after-school French club. And I've spent way too many wasted hours worrying about the amount of time I spend at this club. Ask people to name their happy place and… Continue reading It’s OK To Be In The Stay At Home Club

The Internet Is The Perfect Place For Antisocials To Hang Out

I'd just like to welcome all the antisocial people, the stay at home clubbers, and the introverts to today's post. The blogging community is growing larger and larger by the second, and all the like-minded fashionistas are coming together to conquer the world. I'm calling all the antisocial fashionistas to my corner of the community… Continue reading The Internet Is The Perfect Place For Antisocials To Hang Out