This One’s For All The Fellow Shopaholics In Need

Hi, my name is Sophie and I’m a shopaholic. I’m not that keen on alcohol, and I’ve never been near a drug in my life, but there is one thing that I am completely and utterly addicted to. Shopping is my life, guys. And it’s about time I admitted that to this space the internet.… Continue reading This One’s For All The Fellow Shopaholics In Need

T-Shirt Dress Of Dreams | A Guide To Thrifting

You know what my favourite way of shopping used to be? Thrift shopping (or charity shopping if you're from the UK). I know some people can be grossed out at the idea of living on second hand clothing but in the age of massive sites like eBay and Depop, it's like second nature to me.… Continue reading T-Shirt Dress Of Dreams | A Guide To Thrifting

Primark Haul | October ’16

So every now and then it just feels necessary to do a Primark haul, and it's actually been a while since I've done one of these here on the blog. I went into my local store last week on my way to Topshop simply because I wanted some super cosy tights, but there were quite… Continue reading Primark Haul | October ’16

Why Buy 1 When You Can Buy 3?

When I bought my Glamorous embroidered jeans (see the shoot I did in them here!), I decided I was in great need of a white t shirt/top to wear with them. After scouring the internet for a good few hours I set my sights on three from Mango. Three?! I hear you shout. Well as… Continue reading Why Buy 1 When You Can Buy 3?

You Can’t Say No To A Dress For £2

So I've established many a time here on the blog that I am not a dress girl. I'm attracted to them when I go off on one of my online shopping sprees but I always rethink my decision to add them to my shopping cart because I know deep down that I just won't get… Continue reading You Can’t Say No To A Dress For £2

The Body Shop / Summer Haul

Illness has overtaken me this week, and though I've been off work with it, it's been so frustrating not being able to get out and shoot outfit pics for the blog. I really can't wait to get back into it, but for now, I'm bringing you all the flatlays/beauty posts/hauls I can come up with.… Continue reading The Body Shop / Summer Haul

Back With The Dungarees

So I might have been procrastinating a wee little bit these past couple of days and haven't managed to get a post out to you until now. Sorry about that. I've got the interior design bug at the moment, you know the one you get from endless scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram? Why do people… Continue reading Back With The Dungarees

Forever 21 Suede Jacket

When it was Christmas and then my birthday a couple of weeks later, I thought to myself that I really wouldn't need to buy myself anything else. Then I found myself on the Forever 21 website, and that was the end of that. How could I not purchase this genuine suede jacket when it's just… Continue reading Forever 21 Suede Jacket

Lush Christmas Bath Haul

Most people have a preference between baths or showers and mine has always been baths. What's not to love about baths, especially when you've got a bag full of Lush products? When I went into Norwich a couple of weeks ago, I stocked up on bath bombs and for the first time, tried a couple… Continue reading Lush Christmas Bath Haul

What Happens When Pay Day Comes Around

Ok, so I know I've already done a clothes haul earlier this month (read it here!) but it was payday this week and I went into the city, so you can't really expect me to have come back empty-handed can you? I was going to wait and make this a December haul but I couldn't… Continue reading What Happens When Pay Day Comes Around