The Shirt Dress

--- 30 July 2015 --- The black shirt dress- smart yet casual, and easy and comfortable to wear. Again, this was a charity shop find, this time by my sister. It's originally from Zara, and looks as if it's hardly been worn at all. Plus, I knew as soon as I saw it that it would… Continue reading The Shirt Dress

Part 2

Shirt ~ Thrifted | Jeans ~ Gap DIY | Boots ~ River Island Part 2 of how I wore this thrifted shirt. Since I labelled it yesterday as a shirt/dress, but only showed its function as a dress, I thought it only appropriate to show you how I styled it as a shirt too. It's long-sleeved… Continue reading Part 2

Part 1

Shirt Dress ~ Thrifted | Socks ~ Bershka | Shoes ~ Topshop | Bag ~ Chiltern Now it's finally starting to get a little warmer, I can start thinking about wearing dresses and skirts without tights. I've never really been one for dresses, but somehow a shirt/dress seems more appealing to me. Maybe I'm just… Continue reading Part 1