Image: Summer/Winter

The last drops of summer before winter sets in. {Jeans ~ Bershka Top ~ Charity Shop Cardigan ~ Jaeger Shoes ~ Converse Watch ~ Marc Jacobs}


Before I get started, there are two quick things I want to say about this post: 1. I know that I just did a post about the beach, but I love the photos that I got here so I couldn't not post them. 2. This will be one of two posts today. The other post,… Continue reading Image:NOTCENTRALFashion


I love having my fashion snaps taken at the beach. It serves as a beautiful backdrop for the shoot, and it can create some great beachy hair. Whether it's beachy waves or just a bit of a wind-swept look, it can add another dimension to the photographs when you capture the hair in motion. {T-shirt… Continue reading Image:BeachBeachBeach


I decided to do today's photo shoot on the beach, which is only a fifteen minute drive away from where I live. We expected to have a nice sunny morning at the beach, but as soon as we set off, it started raining. Typical. It wasn't just a passing shower though; we also had thunder… Continue reading Image:Neon