
--- 16 August 2015 --- I thought I would do a different type of blog post tonight instead of my usual fashion post. I was tagged for a couple of blog awards (Beautiful Blogger Award from Ettie and Sisterhood of the World Blog Award from Alis) recently and thought that I would combine a few… Continue reading Q&A!


I came home today to find out that I'd been nominated by Roseanne from http://leblogderosy.blogspot.co.uk/ for a Liebster Award. Since I've already done one of these posts, I thought I'd just do another Q&A, because I love answering the questions that the blogger has asked! 1. What is your favourite season? I love all of… Continue reading Q&A:AllThingsRosy


If you've been following my blog for the past few days, you'll know that just the other day I was nominated for a Liebster Award, which I did a blog post on. Then today I found that I'd been nominated again by the lovely Amelia of Mint Sunday. You can see her blog here. I… Continue reading Q&A:MintSunday