How To Wear Fishnets Under Ripped Jeans

Before we get into the details of this post, let's just take a look at the new notcentralfashion!!! The blog has been completely revamped over the past two days, and after a few sticky situations, we are live. Feel free to have a look around and let me know your thoughts! Is there anything else… Continue reading How To Wear Fishnets Under Ripped Jeans

Bedroom Interior | All White Everything

After sharing with you my interior Pinterest board, I thought it was only right that I show you the finished product in reality. Some may roll their eyes and think, "ugh typical blogger bedroom", but I'm loving the all white everything and let me tell you, it works wonders for my flatlays, beauty photos, and… Continue reading Bedroom Interior | All White Everything

Pinterest Mood Board | White Interiors

Hi! I'm back with that Pinterest board blog post like I promised you in my last post (read it here!) and it's all about interiors. I got the interior designing bug last week and already I've been painting and ordering furniture. No, I don't mess around! A white interior is what I should have always… Continue reading Pinterest Mood Board | White Interiors

Suede Jacket, Take II

You might have seen my post a while ago where I showed you a gorgeous genuine suede jacket I got from Forever 21 for a ridiculously good price, and now I bring to you another suede jacket, this time a vintage one from a charity shop and even better, it's bright pink. It's available for… Continue reading Suede Jacket, Take II

Back With The Dungarees

So I might have been procrastinating a wee little bit these past couple of days and haven't managed to get a post out to you until now. Sorry about that. I've got the interior design bug at the moment, you know the one you get from endless scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram? Why do people… Continue reading Back With The Dungarees


Thursday, 19th February 2015 I think one of the best ways to decorate a room is by adding a few photo frames with messages inside that mean something to you. I've been on Pinterest a lot lately looking for room inspiration and these simple DIYs only cost me a few pounds, but make my bedroom… Continue reading Frames