How My Love / Hate Relationship With Jewellery Is Changing

I've always had a bit of a love / hate relationship with jewellery. It's been something that I want to love, at the same time being something I don't have time for. Maybe that's been my own laziness in the past - what kind of girl who blogs about style isn't into accessories? But that's… Continue reading How My Love / Hate Relationship With Jewellery Is Changing

I Want That No Make Up Effortless Skin Look

So I want that no make up, effortless skin glow that you'll find all over pinterest and instagram. And don't we all dream of having a perfectly even-toned, slightly tanned and dewy face when we wake up in the morning? You could say it's the ultimate beauty goal, and a life hack that I'm still… Continue reading I Want That No Make Up Effortless Skin Look

The Button-Through Trend

Hands up who has noticed that buttons are gracing all stores on the high street. It seems like button-through tops, dresses and playsuits are on the brain, and I for one am loving it. They're the perfect embellishment to perk up your plain jane cami while maintaining that subtlety you need to keep your capsule… Continue reading The Button-Through Trend

I Wore A Dress & Documented It For The Blog

I've written posts before about personal style and how you should dress for how you feel on the day {read here}. So today I felt like dressing like a girl. I know, I know, in this day and age, how can you really categorise dressing like a girl or a boy? And what does dressing… Continue reading I Wore A Dress & Documented It For The Blog

How Much Money Would You Fork Out For Fashion?

Question: how much money would you fork out for fashion? Answer: it depends on the item, right? For someone who goes through a lot of clothes {me} and is constantly clearing out their wardrobe to list on ebay {also me} I'd say, limit what you spend per item. As much as I'd like to have… Continue reading How Much Money Would You Fork Out For Fashion?

5 Things You Can Relate To As A Blogger

I wasn't sure whether to write this type of post because I didn't want to write about something that's exclusive to certain people. But hey, it's still something I wanted to write and why the heck not? We like a bit of #relatable content, so hopefully this is relatable to some of you. This is… Continue reading 5 Things You Can Relate To As A Blogger

3 Wardrobe Staples For The Spring Season

Spring has sprung. And about time too. OK, so as I'm writing this it's cloudy and not so warm, but we have had some sunny days, and it's May for goodness sake. We can't really put spring off for much longer. So I'm going to take this opportunity to share my wardrobe staples for this… Continue reading 3 Wardrobe Staples For The Spring Season

Kindness Is One Of The Most Important Qualities

"Throw kindess around like confetti."~ the quote that graces our Pinterest feeds on the daily. Maybe a little annoying to see it day upon day, but nonetheless, an important reminder. I used to think being described as a "kind" person was boring. That was like the word "nice" - boring and unoriginal in terms of… Continue reading Kindness Is One Of The Most Important Qualities

Printed Trousers & Where To Buy Them

I've admitted many times before on the blog, I'm a jeans girl through and through. Yet lately I seem to have developed an affinity for printed trousers. With the arrival of spring (finally) my desire to acquire (poet and I didn't know it) a selection of these trousers has heightened. My collection currently consists of… Continue reading Printed Trousers & Where To Buy Them

5 Music Hits | My Current Artist Favourites

It's been such a long time since I shared my music favourites on the blog. I checked back on my blog archives and apart from this post I did in January, I haven't done a full music update since 2015. That's three years ago guys! And I with loads of good album releases last week… Continue reading 5 Music Hits | My Current Artist Favourites