August Playlist

--- 27 August 2015 --- Music is a big part of my every day life- I'm constantly listening to something whether I'm driving, getting ready in the morning, or blogging. While I've got Jess Glynne's I Cry When I Laugh album on repeat currently, I've also compiled a playlist for August. It's made up of a few… Continue reading August Playlist

I Heart Dungarees

--- 25 August 2015 --- I had been waiting so long to find a pair of dungarees I could actually afford. Everywhere I looked they were £40+ and I felt reluctant to spend that. I finally found a pair on New Look's website which were within budget, but they didn't have any in-store for me… Continue reading I Heart Dungarees

Stripes & Embellishment

--- 23 August 2015 --- If you watched my haul video from Friday, you may have noticed this beautiful top making an appearance. A lot of the things I buy are planned- meaning I think of something I want and then go on a hunt for it until I find exactly what I want. This,… Continue reading Stripes & Embellishment

Collective Clothing Haul / Sneak Preview

--- 21 August 2015 --- Here it is! The haul I've been talking about for a few weeks is live. I had to wait an age for everything to be delivered, so I didn't finish filming until Thursday afternoon. Plus, the lack of internet connection over here makes life very hard for someone who lives… Continue reading Collective Clothing Haul / Sneak Preview

White Croc Print

--- 20 August 2015 --- I seem to have some sort of problem with constantly buying things. It's impossible for me to go out anywhere- or even just go on line- without coming home with something new. Last week it was dungarees (which I am yet to post about) and this week it was this… Continue reading White Croc Print


--- 16 August 2015 --- I thought I would do a different type of blog post tonight instead of my usual fashion post. I was tagged for a couple of blog awards (Beautiful Blogger Award from Ettie and Sisterhood of the World Blog Award from Alis) recently and thought that I would combine a few… Continue reading Q&A!

Modern Classic

--- 14 August 2015 --- I'm continuing on with the utility trend for another blog post this morning. I was inspired by H&M's latest magazine, where they wrote that a classic wardrobe staple- in my case a little black dress- should be modernised with details and accessories which have a utility vibe. I instantly thought… Continue reading Modern Classic

Utility Fashion

--- 11 August 2015 --- I've had this shirt for a few years but I only fit into it properly now. I went through a stage of loving Jack Wills when I was about fourteen/fifteen, when I was too small to wear their clothing but bought things from there anyway. Even though I've steered away from… Continue reading Utility Fashion

4 Ways To Wear Denim Shorts

--- 9 August 2015 ---   Yay! My video is finally published and ready to show you. It's a lookbook of four of my favourite ways to wear denim shorts. Of course, I had to go with denim shorts as the key piece for the lookbook, because they're kind of my thing. You can buy… Continue reading 4 Ways To Wear Denim Shorts

Simply Stylish

--- 7 August 2015 --- The day after I shared my post about my fringe top with you and told you I didn't want to splurge on a fringed leather jacket, my mum came home from a charity shopping trip with this! It's a real leather motorbike jacket with fringe and studs and was super… Continue reading Simply Stylish