Zoya Enchanted Collection

Just a quick little update to show you the latest collection from Zoya nail polish! Each time Zoya brings out new polishes, I get to try out the collections and share them with you here on the blog. Enchanted is the latest collection you can buy on the Zoya website and has been designed for the… Continue reading Zoya Enchanted Collection

Get Involved / Zoya Earth Day Exchange

Get involved with Zoya's Earth Day Exchange and trade in your old bottles of polish for some natural Big5free alternatives from Zoya! All you have to do is send in your old bottles and Zoya will do the recycling for you. Then pick out the new polishes you want (minimum 6 bottles) and get preparing your… Continue reading Get Involved / Zoya Earth Day Exchange

Look What Came In The Post!

Long time no see! While I was away from my blog, this lovely package arrived in the post. You may have seen on my instagram that I was lucky enough to be sent these gorgeous nail polishes from Zoya. For someone who's a big nail polish fan, this is amazing - I'm pretty sure I'll… Continue reading Look What Came In The Post!

Favourite Make Up To Go With A Tan

--- 20 June 2015 --- Recently, my skin has had a bit more colour to it and I've put together a make up look that I'm really loving with a slight tan. I thought I'd do a mini review blog post to show you what I've been using in June. Even though we're not at… Continue reading Favourite Make Up To Go With A Tan

Festive Nails

Blue Nail Polish - Barry M Gelly in "Blackberry", Blue Sparkle Polish - OPI It feels really autumnal today and we've just lit our first fire of the season, so I thought I'd share with you these sparkly festive nails I did last week. Who's excited for autumn/winter/christmas this year?  Follow me on:  Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Bloglovin’ |  eBay | YouTube


Burgundy Nail Polish - L'Oreal Resist & Shine One of the best things about autumn is that you get to wear the colour burgundy left right and centre. It's one of my all time favourite colours for clothing, and I think it's becoming one of my all time favourites for nail art too. That's twice in… Continue reading Burgundy

Nail Care

  Hand Cream - Blush Intense by Marc Jacobs,  Cuticle Oils - O.P.I "strawberry" and "aloe vera", Nail File - Butter London, Nail Polish Remover & Cotton Pads - Supermarket Brand, Base Coat - Seche Base "ridge filling", Top Coat - Seche Vite, Nail Strengthener - Avon Since I post a lot of my nail art designs here on my blog, I thought I would also… Continue reading Nail Care


Green - Fearne, White - Rimmel "White Hot Love", Blue - Barry M Gelly "Blackberry" This weekend's nail art inspiration comes from cutepolish, who created this amazing manicure on YouTube. It looks complex, but is the fastest and one of the easiest nail art designs I've ever done, and it even seemed to last for ages - just what… Continue reading cutepolish


Pink - One Direction, White - Rimmel White Hot Love, Black - Nail Art Pen by Rio Stripy nail art is something that I always come back to because of its simplicity and the fact you can recreate it in so many different ways. This design was taken from my WAH nail art book, which has come in useful for… Continue reading WAH


White - Rimmel "White Hot Love", Black - Barry M Nail Art Pen, Studs - Seventeen I finally replaced my white nail varnish so I've been doing monochrome nails for a couple of weeks. I love monochrome nail art, and found a black and white picture online of someone else's nails which looked really cool, so… Continue reading Monochrome