How To Style: Mom Jean Shorts

--- 20 July 2015 --- I've got a fair few shorts listed on my ebay shop now (you can browse and purchase them here!) and I love so many of them. The ones I'm wearing in this blog post are some of my faves, though because they're super frayed along the bottom and have the… Continue reading How To Style: Mom Jean Shorts

NCF Vintage Customised Shorts

--- 15 June 2015 --- I've been promising this diy project for a while now, and I finally got round to taking photos this afternoon. I always struggle to find the right pair of shorts that fit me properly for summer, and last year I made several of my own perfect-fitting pairs of shorts out of… Continue reading NCF Vintage Customised Shorts


--- 10 April 2015 --- It's meant to have been the hottest day of the year so far today, and although there's been a rather chilly wind in my neck of the woods, I managed to get out and shoot these amazing mom-jean shorts without freezing to death. I may not be going to Coachella… Continue reading Festival-Ready


Crop Top - Hearts & Bows, Shorts - M&S (thrifted & diy), Shoes - Converse, Watch - Marc Jacobs, Hat - Select This amazing architecture was unexpectedly just around the corner from where I live, and as we drove past after a late breakfast out the other day, we had to stop for a shoot. It's the perfect location;… Continue reading Camouflage