Back On The Blog With My Winter Uniform

Long time no see guys and I apologise for that. I feel like I've had no time to sit down and write a blog post recently, so I thought I'd hop online now while I had a minute. I've had a few shoots saved for a while ready to share with you, and I thought… Continue reading Back On The Blog With My Winter Uniform

Teddy Coat Love | It’s Officially Coat Weather

The properly cold weather has well and truly set in now, and I can confirm that it is officially coat weather. Teddy coat weather in fact. If you follow me on Instagram (@notcentralfash) then you might have seen me feature the coat a couple of months ago when I first bought it. Only now is… Continue reading Teddy Coat Love | It’s Officially Coat Weather

Bronze Jacket & The Jeans I Can’t Live Without

We shot these photos way back when in the depths of January (OK so I realise that's not that long ago but it feels like a lifetime, all right?!) and I somehow forgot all about them sitting there all lonely in my drafts folder. How could I not post them? I mean, this bronze jacket… Continue reading Bronze Jacket & The Jeans I Can’t Live Without

Flatforms / My Favourite Kind Of Heel

Disclaimer: I know I talked about these shoes a couple of posts ago (see it here!) but I had more to say so here's post no. 2 dedicated to my suede loafers... Loafers have never been my thing. I tried to get them to be once when I bought a patent burgundy pair, but I… Continue reading Flatforms / My Favourite Kind Of Heel

The LYH: Little Yellow Handbag

Just when you think you couldn't be any more obsessed with clothing, you realise that you kind of might slightly have a thing for bags too and would love to buy and buy and buy them. My latest mission has been to find a black bag. You know, one of those classic handbags that you… Continue reading The LYH: Little Yellow Handbag

Why Buy 1 When You Can Buy 3?

When I bought my Glamorous embroidered jeans (see the shoot I did in them here!), I decided I was in great need of a white t shirt/top to wear with them. After scouring the internet for a good few hours I set my sights on three from Mango. Three?! I hear you shout. Well as… Continue reading Why Buy 1 When You Can Buy 3?

Why I Can’t Stop Buying Clothes

Even though I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more clothes for a while (it's not as if I need any more!) a few days later I went out and bought some more. I've found that I spend more time wearing my work uniform -black trousers, black shirt, black boots- and don't have enough time… Continue reading Why I Can’t Stop Buying Clothes

September Wishlist

--- 6 September 2015 --- It's the start of a new month, so it's only right that I create a wishlist of all the beautiful things I'd like to add to my wardrobe. Some are within reach, some not so much. I didn't purposefully choose a colour scheme, but as I was putting the images… Continue reading September Wishlist

The Paradise Island

Thursday, 12th March 2015 My huge Romwe haul has finally come to an end now with The Paradise Island tee. If you missed the rest of my Romwe posts then here's a quick roundup of the items I bought. Let me know which was your fave in the comments. Romwe t shirt, Mango denim jacket, Zara leggings, H&M boots Hope you're having… Continue reading The Paradise Island

St. Michael’s

Top - Topshop, Hoody - Twin Atlantic Merchandise, Denim Jacket - Mango @ ASOS, Jeans - GAP, Boots - River Island, Rucksack - Thrifted Being a blogger means carrying round a camera and an extra lense at all times, so I'd been looking for a rucksack which would hold just that. Four pounds in a charity shop later, and I now own a leather-look vintage St.… Continue reading St. Michael’s