The Detachable Pom-Pom Hat

I haven't worn this jumper for such a long time, I think the last time was when we shot these photos back in 2014! I knew it would be the perfect item to go alongside my new pom pom hat from Next (a detachable pom pom I might add, so if you're feeling a little… Continue reading The Detachable Pom-Pom Hat

The Pink One

So you've seen the orange sweatshirt I got from Louche last month (if you missed it, read the post here!) and now it's time to show you how I style the pink one! Now if you know me, you'll know that I basically spend half my life in sweatshirts and have been forming quite the… Continue reading The Pink One

How I Match My Lips To My Outfit Perfectly

In Monday's post I introduced you to my latest Birchbox purchase: Selfridges "most coveted" box, where I received a Lord & Berry lip crayon. "How did they know I'd just purchased a new sweatshirt in this exact colour? This would make a great blog post!" were my thoughts, and so here you have it: how… Continue reading How I Match My Lips To My Outfit Perfectly

Moon & Sun

When I saw this shirt in a magazine it was worn underneath a yellow sweatshirt but since I don't have a yellow sweatshirt, I thought I'd pair it with my Ilse Jacobsen gold jacket instead. So it doesn't create quite the same preppy look, but it creates my look, and it got me to put… Continue reading Moon & Sun

Autumn Boots

You can definitely tell it's getting into autumn now. We've had some chilly days already, but with the sun still shining, I wasn't quite ready to get into full-on boots. I got these shoes at a bargain price in the sale, and they're the perfect early-autumn boot. They're closed at the front to make you think… Continue reading Autumn Boots

Muted Colour Palette

--- 5 August 2015 --- Hello! Hope you're having a great Wednesday! I'm back with another outfit of the day inspired post, this time with a look that's a bit different to what I'd normally wear. My casual day-to-day style can be quite different to what you see me wear on the blog, and that's because… Continue reading Muted Colour Palette

All Saints Style

--- 18 April 2015 --- We shot this a couple of weeks ago, and I thought I'd better post it now before we get too close to summer and it would just look very strange for me to be wearing such a big, cosy faux fur coat. Although, living in England, you never know when… Continue reading All Saints Style

Turquoise & Black

Friday, 20th February 2015 When I look at the past few shoots I've done, it's obvious I like to wear the colour blue. Blue jumpers, bags, shoes... It's funny how I never even realised. Primark shirt, Louche jumper, Thrifted coat, H&M leather pants, eBay brogues, Vera Pelle bag Sophie x Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Bloglovin’ | eBay | Lookbook

A Good Thing

Wednesday, 18th February 2015 Louche is one of my favourite brands for picking up some beautiful, individual pieces that no-one else will have, like this top. It's one of those brands that you can only find in a few select shops or online, and even though that can make it hard to get your hands… Continue reading A Good Thing