Flatforms / My Favourite Kind Of Heel

Disclaimer: I know I talked about these shoes a couple of posts ago (see it here!) but I had more to say so here's post no. 2 dedicated to my suede loafers... Loafers have never been my thing. I tried to get them to be once when I bought a patent burgundy pair, but I… Continue reading Flatforms / My Favourite Kind Of Heel

Swapping Out Jeans For More Summery Denim

It's no secret that I'm a huge denim lover, so when the sun comes out I ditch the jeans and dig the denim dress out of my wardrobe. I posted this beautiful Zara dress when I first bought it a few months ago (read it here!) back when I had to take some risks as a fashion… Continue reading Swapping Out Jeans For More Summery Denim

Crisp White Shirt & Loafers

When I did my haul post a couple of weeks ago, I showed you a pair of flat loafers I'd bought, and mentioned that I'd be wearing them with a white shirt and ankle grazer jeans for a photo shoot. Well, I said I would and I did! There's something about these flats that just… Continue reading Crisp White Shirt & Loafers

November Buys

It's no secret that I'm addicted to shopping and cannot, repeat cannot, stop buying things. There are a few pieces I've bought this month already which I wanted to share with you close up. My favourite has got to be this faux-monster-fur bag (as you can probably tell from my instagram!) because it's just so cool...and pink.… Continue reading November Buys


Jumper - thrifted, Denim Jacket - Mango, Necklace - Primark, Loafers - Sainsbury's, Watch - Marc Jacobs When I started blogging I found so many different platforms that I could share my outfit of the days on - What I Wear, Lookbook, Look Magazine, the list goes on - but it started to get a bit too much to be uploading to all of… Continue reading Lookbook


Top - Edeis, Jeans - thrifted (River Island), Loafers - Tu @ Sainsbury's I probably own too many shoes for my own good, but these ones are necessary for my autumn wardrobe. They're the sort of shoes I would have put into my autumn lookbook video if I'd had them earlier, because they're perfect to wear with a little shift… Continue reading Loafers