No. 2

Friday, 6th March 2015 Here's the second lot of Romwe clothes, as promised, with this beautiful knitted jumper, kept comfortable with a pair of thrifted Superdry girlfriend jeans. Romwe jumper, Superdry girlfriend jeans, Converse, New Look leather jacket, TU scrunchie Sophie x Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Bloglovin’ | eBay | Lookbook

My New Levis

Crop Jumper ~ Hearts & Bows | Jeans ~ Levis | Flatforms ~ Boohoo | Watch ~ Marc Jacobs | Bag ~ Chiltern | Anklet ~ DP It's finally Friday, finally the weekend and I'm celebrating the end of this week with some new Levis. I always go on about wearing skinny jeans and nothing… Continue reading My New Levis


Jacket ~ ASOS | Jumper ~ H&M | Skirt ~ Bershka | Boots ~ River Island | Bag ~ Chilturn Even on the dullest of days, this jacket manages to brighten things up. It also means that I can continue to wear a lot of black without feeling bad about it.


When I bought these leggings, they'd been paired with a cute little wine coloured top and a black leather jacket, and I thought at the time that the outfit was perfect. However, I sadly don't own a black leather jacket, and I've already featured my cute little wine coloured top in my Camouflage post, so… Continue reading Image:Wine&Leather