Pinterest Mood Board | White Interiors

Hi! I'm back with that Pinterest board blog post like I promised you in my last post (read it here!) and it's all about interiors. I got the interior designing bug last week and already I've been painting and ordering furniture. No, I don't mess around! A white interior is what I should have always… Continue reading Pinterest Mood Board | White Interiors

Back With The Dungarees

So I might have been procrastinating a wee little bit these past couple of days and haven't managed to get a post out to you until now. Sorry about that. I've got the interior design bug at the moment, you know the one you get from endless scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram? Why do people… Continue reading Back With The Dungarees

Interior Design

Thrifted shirt & coat (available on eBay HERE & HERE), Mango trousers, Miss Sixty belt, F+F boots, Chiltern bag, Fat Face bracelet I've been wanting to shoot in this room for ages, and now we've got the perfect lighting for it. I feel like I'm featuring in a home interior's magazine with these shots, and it's just something a bit different to the usual cold, autumnal… Continue reading Interior Design