Going Out Holiday Outfit | Holiday Look #4

Most of the looks I post here on my blog are daytime casual outfits. I'm more of a stay-at-home person so going out looks aren't really on my list of priorities to shoot. While I was on holiday we did go out for a few meals, so we snapped this look one evening. Ok, so… Continue reading Going Out Holiday Outfit | Holiday Look #4

Summer Season Wishlist

Hey guys, it’s festival and holiday season and my two fave shops to go to for inspiration are SheIn and Romwe. Whether it’s picking out looks for a holiday or planning my festival get-up for Sundown in September, these two shops are a dream. Everything’s cheap and cheerful in the best possible way, and the… Continue reading Summer Season Wishlist

Red Floral Playsuit | Summer Holiday Picks

Some exciting news to start off with...It's been a good while since I've been abroad on holiday but I've actually got one booked in less than 2 months!! Now when you book a holiday, you know the first thing you do is hit up all the shops for a spot of holiday shopping, am I right? One… Continue reading Red Floral Playsuit | Summer Holiday Picks

NCF Vintage Customised Shorts

--- 15 June 2015 --- I've been promising this diy project for a while now, and I finally got round to taking photos this afternoon. I always struggle to find the right pair of shorts that fit me properly for summer, and last year I made several of my own perfect-fitting pairs of shorts out of… Continue reading NCF Vintage Customised Shorts

Throwback Thursday

I've nearly used up all of the old photographs I've been using for my Throwback Thursday posts, which means that in a few weeks Thursday posts will go back to normal. I've enjoyed having something different to post about once a week, so let me know in the comments if you have any ideas for a fun… Continue reading Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday

Looking back at these old photographs I can't help feeling like I used to be so much taller than I am now! Maybe it's just the way I was sitting but I look so long here, whereas now I'm always trying to elongate myself in photos to hide my 5 foot 3 -ness. Either it was the… Continue reading Throwback Thursday