Primark Lover – Spring Haul

I wondered what topic I should write about for this post. I've got a few things noted down, but there was nothing I could put into words right now. ~writer's block anyone?~ So instead I thought I'd make it pretty simple and create a Primark Appreciation post. Besides, it goes hand in hand with this… Continue reading Primark Lover – Spring Haul

July Fashion Favourites | New Youtube Video There's a new video up on my youtube so you can watch to find out what all my fashion favourites were last month! Don't forget to like and subscribe, and leave me a comment letting me know what you've been loving in July! Follow me on Instagram @notcentralfash & Bloglovin' for all the updates!… Continue reading July Fashion Favourites | New Youtube Video

M&S Beauty Box / £120 Worth of Products for Just £10!

Whether you're a shopper at M&S or not, I know you'll know someone in your family or one of your friends who is. Admittedly, I never really thought I'd be shopping at Marks & Spencer for clothes for myself a few years ago, but as I've mentioned before in a blog post -read it here-… Continue reading M&S Beauty Box / £120 Worth of Products for Just £10!

New Beauty Products / Makeup Revolution Haul

I was so impressed with my Makeup Revolution Salted Caramel Chocolate Bar palette that I thought I'd go all out and buy just a few more products and make a big ol' haul for you! I got two more eyeshadow palettes because I loved the first one so much. The Naked Chocolate Bar palette is… Continue reading New Beauty Products / Makeup Revolution Haul

The Body Shop / Summer Haul

Illness has overtaken me this week, and though I've been off work with it, it's been so frustrating not being able to get out and shoot outfit pics for the blog. I really can't wait to get back into it, but for now, I'm bringing you all the flatlays/beauty posts/hauls I can come up with.… Continue reading The Body Shop / Summer Haul

March Birchbox | #4

So I received my March Birchbox on Saturday, and although I haven't really had chance to try out the products properly, I couldn't wait to share the photos with you! Once again it's a gorgeous box, I think I'll always be impressed by their packaging! This months' theme is "Word Up!" and if I didn't… Continue reading March Birchbox | #4

New Hair Colour & New Outfit

I think this is the first shoot I've posted since I dyed my hair last week, and boy does it look red in these photos! I fancied a bit of a change but I wasn't up for having a permanent colour change so I went for a wash in wash out, and I have to… Continue reading New Hair Colour & New Outfit

Lush Christmas Bath Haul

Most people have a preference between baths or showers and mine has always been baths. What's not to love about baths, especially when you've got a bag full of Lush products? When I went into Norwich a couple of weeks ago, I stocked up on bath bombs and for the first time, tried a couple… Continue reading Lush Christmas Bath Haul

This Month In Pictures

I feel like we've had a good variety of posts here on the blog this month: outfit of the days, fashion hauls, and even a couple of product shows/reviews. I like doing these monthly summaries of content I've shared with you (and I should probably remember to do them more often!) because it reminds me… Continue reading This Month In Pictures

What Happens When Pay Day Comes Around

Ok, so I know I've already done a clothes haul earlier this month (read it here!) but it was payday this week and I went into the city, so you can't really expect me to have come back empty-handed can you? I was going to wait and make this a December haul but I couldn't… Continue reading What Happens When Pay Day Comes Around