Recreating A Gucci Look | Designer Dupes

I'm all about the affordable fashion, which means if I find a designer dupe, I'm probably gunna buy it and style it here. You might have caught some of my other posts where I create a designer look for less (here and here). I actually found another dupe in this t-shirt from Topman. Have I… Continue reading Recreating A Gucci Look | Designer Dupes

How To Get The Gucci Look For Less

So we all know that Gucci is where it's at, and pretty much where we all want to be too. I don't know about you but my Instagram feed is full of cool kids in their Gucci t-shirts. Not to mention their belts, trainers, and bags. Well, my friends, I am here to assist you… Continue reading How To Get The Gucci Look For Less

Embroidered Trainers | The Shoes That Go With Every Outfit

I'm really sorry if you guys are getting bored of the whole Gucci thing that's doing the rounds at the moment, but if you're anything like me you won't be able to get enough of it. Did you see my post about the loafer dupes from Ego? Well I think they were only the start of… Continue reading Embroidered Trainers | The Shoes That Go With Every Outfit

#TheOne Shoe To Wear This Summer | Gucci Loafers

OK, confession time. I'm a little bit obsessed with designer trends and their (cheaper) little sister alternatives at the moment. The particular favourite right now is Gucci (I've had my fun with Chloe - see the posts here and here) but Gucci seems to be taking centre-stage everywhere you look. From all the bloggers rocking… Continue reading #TheOne Shoe To Wear This Summer | Gucci Loafers