Suede Jacket, Take II

You might have seen my post a while ago where I showed you a gorgeous genuine suede jacket I got from Forever 21 for a ridiculously good price, and now I bring to you another suede jacket, this time a vintage one from a charity shop and even better, it's bright pink. It's available for… Continue reading Suede Jacket, Take II

Forever 21 Suede Jacket

When it was Christmas and then my birthday a couple of weeks later, I thought to myself that I really wouldn't need to buy myself anything else. Then I found myself on the Forever 21 website, and that was the end of that. How could I not purchase this genuine suede jacket when it's just… Continue reading Forever 21 Suede Jacket

Brilliant Earth

blue jeans tee shirt by notcentralfashion featuring nars cosmetics Brilliant Earth is a jewellery company which sells a great range of beautiful items, so that no matter what your style is, there will always be something that stands out, whether it be subtle and dainty, or a bold statement piece - you can create your… Continue reading Brilliant Earth