3 Wardrobe Staples You Need For Autumn/Fall

I think it's safe to say we're still just about hanging on to the last few days of summer. Squeezing out every last drop of sun to make sure we don't miss a moment. But the first thing on our minds as the sun heads behind a cloud is our autumn wardrobe. Because let's face… Continue reading 3 Wardrobe Staples You Need For Autumn/Fall

Insta Snapshot

When I'm not blogging here, Instagram is the next place you'll find me. It's my favourite social media- I'm all about the photos over words and what blogger doesn't love making pretty flatlays anyway? For those of you not already following me (why aren't you?!) here's a snapshot of my Instagram feed for this month. It's… Continue reading Insta Snapshot

Autumn Boots

You can definitely tell it's getting into autumn now. We've had some chilly days already, but with the sun still shining, I wasn't quite ready to get into full-on boots. I got these shoes at a bargain price in the sale, and they're the perfect early-autumn boot. They're closed at the front to make you think… Continue reading Autumn Boots

Shades of Purple

I'm back with another outfit post and a new blog layout! Can you tell I'm loving shades of purple at the moment? I wanted a clean and fresh look for the background and finally found a blog theme which fit everything I wanted- more or less. If I was self-hosted, there's a lot more I'd… Continue reading Shades of Purple

Yellow Leaves

Jacket - Ilse Jacobsen Hornbaek, Top - thrifted (Zara), Jeans - thrifted (River Island), Boots - Boohoo This is the most autumnal I've seen it yet. Yellow leaves on the trees, orange leaves on the ground, and a golden jacket to match.. Sophie x Follow me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Bloglovin’ | eBay | YouTube  

Autumn Lookbook

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHPj3Hle2O0 Here it is! It's taken me just under 24 hours to get this video uploaded because of our terrible wifi at home, but it's finally live on YouTube. My sister and I had a lot of fun making this lookbook video of some of my favourite autumn/fall outfits, so I hope you enjoy it.… Continue reading Autumn Lookbook

Warby Parker

Although I don't wear eyeglasses myself, I am a fan of cool sunglasses, and have quite a big collection already in my room. I think frames are just a great way of accessorising an outfit, and these days there are glasses to fit and express every personality and style. I love the styles from Warby Parker's… Continue reading Warby Parker

Fairy Lights

Jumper - thrifted (Zara), Shirt - thrifted (Wrangler Men's), Leggings - Topshop, Boots - Boohoo This shirt is literally my obsession at the moment, and I think it's translating in my blog posts, as it's the only thing I seem to be wearing...oops. It's hard not to wear it, though. Plus, it goes over anything and everything, so why not wear it… Continue reading Fairy Lights


Burgundy Nail Polish - L'Oreal Resist & Shine One of the best things about autumn is that you get to wear the colour burgundy left right and centre. It's one of my all time favourite colours for clothing, and I think it's becoming one of my all time favourites for nail art too. That's twice in… Continue reading Burgundy