Shades of Purple

I'm back with another outfit post and a new blog layout! Can you tell I'm loving shades of purple at the moment? I wanted a clean and fresh look for the background and finally found a blog theme which fit everything I wanted- more or less. If I was self-hosted, there's a lot more I'd… Continue reading Shades of Purple

Can You Believe It’s Only Primark?

--- 8 August 2015 --- I'm trying to follow a blogging schedule to post every other day, but I couldn't resist blogging again today! I've got the bug for it again and I'm loving everything about blogging, so make sure you're following my twitter and instagram because I'm posting a lot on those too. Also… Continue reading Can You Believe It’s Only Primark?

Simply Stylish

--- 7 August 2015 --- The day after I shared my post about my fringe top with you and told you I didn't want to splurge on a fringed leather jacket, my mum came home from a charity shopping trip with this! It's a real leather motorbike jacket with fringe and studs and was super… Continue reading Simply Stylish

Bomber Jacket Pt. II

--- 3 August 2015 --- I told you I was on the look out for a bomber jacket, didn't I? Well, I definitely didn't waste any time with that one as here I am, in a blog post, wearing my brand new ASOS bomber jacket. I love it and have been wearing it with pretty… Continue reading Bomber Jacket Pt. II


Crop Top - Republic, Shirt Jacket - thrifted (Wrangler Men's), Jeans - Gap, Vans - & Other Stories, Watch - Marc Jacobs, Bracelet - Fat Face If you're a regular reader here on my blog, you may have noticed the lack of post yesterday. I felt out of inspiration, so I decided to have a mini hiatus, and now, with a completely different shoot idea, my… Continue reading Hiatus


Crop Top - Select, Shorts - Gravity (diy), Vans - & Other Stories, Bracelet - Fat Face, Watch - Marc Jacobs, Hand Ring - & Other Stories, Other Rings - Assorted Here's another pair of diy mom shorts, this time a little bit longer and looser, and with rips. It's so easy to custom make a pair of shorts, and you can turn them into whatever your… Continue reading Bonus


Crop Top - Hearts & Bows, Shorts - M&S (thrifted & diy), Shoes - Converse, Watch - Marc Jacobs, Hat - Select This amazing architecture was unexpectedly just around the corner from where I live, and as we drove past after a late breakfast out the other day, we had to stop for a shoot. It's the perfect location;… Continue reading Camouflage

Khaki + Stripes

Playsuit - Firetrap, Crop Top - Soulcal & Co, Shoes - M&S (thrifted), Watch - Fossil, Ring - Born Pretty  A khaki playsuit is something I've always owned. I think it goes with so many things and is perfect for summer. I love this Firetrap one in particular because it's a little bit different with the open-back detail and slouchy, easy feel. The open… Continue reading Khaki + Stripes


Crop Top - Miso | Playsuit - Topshop We've been eyeing this lavender field for weeks, waiting for it to turn really purple so that we could do a photo shoot there. This was shot  a couple of weeks ago, but I've had so many things to post about recently that I've only just remembered… Continue reading Lavender