Skate Park

Jacket - Sainsbury's, Jumper Dress - H&M, Shoes - Converse All Stars, Bracelet - Fat Face, Watch - Marc Jacobs There's something about these all-black converse that I've not been too sure about over the past year. Whether its the fact that they used to be my high school shoes, or whether they just seem a bit too grunge for everyday, I haven't really… Continue reading Skate Park

Monochrome + Berry

Skirt - Bershka (pinafore), Crop Top - Select, Leather Jacket - H&M, Shoes - Converse, Tights - Primark The diy from Sunday's post continues today as I'm wearing a skirt which was once a pinafore. I decided to keep the outfit within the monochrome boundaries (as ever) by styling it with a cute comic strip printed crop top and my white converse -… Continue reading Monochrome + Berry


Shirt - thrifted (Louche), Jacket - thrifted (Levi's), Faux Leather Trousers - H&M, Shoes - Converse, Watch - Fossil Sometimes simple styling is the best. It's always the most comfortable, and certainly the most casual. Who needs heels when you've got your trusty converse on? Oh, and by the way, I'm loving Louche London at the moment, so I was pleased when I discovered… Continue reading Louche

All American Girl

T Shirt - Primark (thrifted), Shorts - Topshop, Shoes - Converse All Stars, Bracelet - Fat Face Without realising it as I got dressed, everything about this outfit screamed America. I didn't do it purposefully and I wasn't trying to make any kind of statement; it just kind of came together without much thought. What I love about this t shirt… Continue reading All American Girl

Early Weekend

T Shirt ~ Saint Kidd | Jeans ~ H&M | Shoes ~ Converse Oh how I love it when lessons are cancelled at College. It means I get a four-day weekend, and time for editing. In fact, I've got quite a bit of editing to do so my pictures are ready for the blog, so… Continue reading Early Weekend

Brilliant Earth

blue jeans tee shirt by notcentralfashion featuring nars cosmetics Brilliant Earth is a jewellery company which sells a great range of beautiful items, so that no matter what your style is, there will always be something that stands out, whether it be subtle and dainty, or a bold statement piece - you can create your… Continue reading Brilliant Earth


Jacket ~ H&M | Top ~ New Look | Jeans ~ GAP | Shoes ~ Converse | Bag ~ Select | Necklace ~ Bershka I've been looking for a new black bag everywhere for college, but I haven't been able to find any that I like so much that I'm willing to spend on. I… Continue reading Simplicity

Image: Summer/Winter

The last drops of summer before winter sets in. {Jeans ~ Bershka Top ~ Charity Shop Cardigan ~ Jaeger Shoes ~ Converse Watch ~ Marc Jacobs}