
 T Shirt - Primark (thrifted), Jeans - Bershka, Shoes - Converse All Stars I had been searching around on the internet for one of these baseball tees for ages and found a few that I liked on ASOS (here), but I just never got round to ordering one. I'm glad I didn't in the end because I came… Continue reading Houston

Just A Little Bit

Shirt ~ Thrifted | Jeans ~ Bershka | Boots ~ River Island | Coat ~ Thrifted I loved this shirt when I saw it, probably because of the collar. When its cold outside and you have to layer, shirts are always a must, but it can get boring if you have to wear the same… Continue reading Just A Little Bit

The Knee Slash

This is the first DIY I've done on my clothes for a long time, but making a rip or two in your jeans is probably the easiest way to update your wardrobe.  If you’ve read my blog before, then you may have seen my jeans with rips all down the legs. I do love those… Continue reading The Knee Slash

Image: Summer/Winter

The last drops of summer before winter sets in. {Jeans ~ Bershka Top ~ Charity Shop Cardigan ~ Jaeger Shoes ~ Converse Watch ~ Marc Jacobs}