
I came home today to find out that I'd been nominated by Roseanne from http://leblogderosy.blogspot.co.uk/ for a Liebster Award. Since I've already done one of these posts, I thought I'd just do another Q&A, because I love answering the questions that the blogger has asked! 1. What is your favourite season? I love all of… Continue reading Q&A:AllThingsRosy


A very big thank you to Stephanie of http://stephanieisms.wordpress.com/ for nominating me for The Most Creative Blogger Award! I feel so grateful to be recognised for this award. The rules for this award are: 1. You should link to the blogger who nominated you in your post, as I have done above. 2. Either copy… Continue reading Image:MostCreativeBloggerAward


There's a lot of hype around at the moment about model Cara Delevingne, and I can't help but love her too. The world is talking about how beautiful she is and how, not only can she model, but she can sing now as well, but I like her because she doesn't seem to be afraid… Continue reading Image:CaraInspired