Glossybox Unboxing | January Edition

I received my January Glossybox a couple of weeks ago, and I've been pleasantly surprised at how much I'm loving the products inside this time round. It's not that the products aren't usually good - you get some amazing samples for a really low price and I definitely recommend subscribing if you're considering it! -… Continue reading Glossybox Unboxing | January Edition

Retro Vibes / Denim Midi Skirt

Retro vibes coming to the blog today with a cute denim midi skirt from Zara. Every now and then, I like to style something for the blog that I wouldn't normally pick out to wear for myself everyday. I've discussed so many times before on here that I am way more of a jeans girl than… Continue reading Retro Vibes / Denim Midi Skirt

Fashion & Warmth – My Two Favourites

Happy Saturday evening! I'm back with another outfit inspiration post for you today, and this one's a very casual, suitable-for-actually-going-outdoors look. A lot of the time when I go out to shoot for the blog during the winter months, I'm always freezing cold because you have to make sacrifices for fashion, don't you. However, with… Continue reading Fashion & Warmth – My Two Favourites

My bareMinerals Experience

For my birthday, I picked out a couple of products from bareMinerals to try out for the first time. One of those was the Bareskin Pure Brightening Serum Foundation in the colour Bare Linen. I was excited to try this because I'm all about that natural look - nothing cakey and only light coverage -… Continue reading My bareMinerals Experience

Foggy November Days

We're only a few days into November, but the weather has definitely changed, and foggy cold days are upon us which I think you can tell from these photos. I wish I could say it's still warm enough for just a knitted jumper but I was honestly freezing while we shot these photos, and I… Continue reading Foggy November Days

Can You Believe It’s Only Primark?

--- 8 August 2015 --- I'm trying to follow a blogging schedule to post every other day, but I couldn't resist blogging again today! I've got the bug for it again and I'm loving everything about blogging, so make sure you're following my twitter and instagram because I'm posting a lot on those too. Also… Continue reading Can You Believe It’s Only Primark?

Fish Tank

Thursday, 5th February 2015 eBay iphone 5 case I've had my Marc Jacobs silver mirror phone case for over a year now (bought on eBay as well) but I kept wanting a fun alternative, like these fish tank cases I've seen all over Pinterest. The case itself is quite bulky and the liquid gel can get stuck to… Continue reading Fish Tank


Sunday, 1st February 2015 Wow, it soon got to February, and it feels like winter is only just beginning. I'm always trying to find the perfect item of clothing to keep me warm and this cape/coat/cardigan scores quite highly. It's just a pity it belongs to my mum and not me! Next coat, Louche jumper, Gap jeans, H&M boots Sophie x Find… Continue reading February