Black Slogan T-Shirt & The Quirky Way To Style It

Do you ever find a particular item on a website catching your eye over and over again but you keep putting off buying it until eventually you just have to give in to your desires? (*and breathe* wow, that was a long sentence) It must have been a good few months ago that I first… Continue reading Black Slogan T-Shirt & The Quirky Way To Style It

The LYH: Little Yellow Handbag

Just when you think you couldn't be any more obsessed with clothing, you realise that you kind of might slightly have a thing for bags too and would love to buy and buy and buy them. My latest mission has been to find a black bag. You know, one of those classic handbags that you… Continue reading The LYH: Little Yellow Handbag

Turquoise & Black

Friday, 20th February 2015 When I look at the past few shoots I've done, it's obvious I like to wear the colour blue. Blue jumpers, bags, shoes... It's funny how I never even realised. Primark shirt, Louche jumper, Thrifted coat, H&M leather pants, eBay brogues, Vera Pelle bag Sophie x Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Bloglovin’ | eBay | Lookbook

Black Cardigan

Tshirt - Republic, Cardigan - thrifted I feel like everyone needs a simple black cardigan in their wardrobe for those days when you put an outfit together but can't quite find the right jacket to put over the top. For me, those days are gone thanks to a bit of thrift shopping.  Follow me on:  Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Bloglovin’ |  eBay | YouTube… Continue reading Black Cardigan


Cardigan - available on eBay shop here, Rucksack - thrifted, Jeans - Gap, Boots - Boohoo I mentioned it on yesterday's post, but my definite staple pieces for this autumn have been my black skinnies, black worker boots and my black rucksack. They're re-occuring in almost all outfits I pick out in the mornings, and I do feel a bit guilty… Continue reading Staples

Worker Boots

Knitted T Shirt - Available on eBay shop here, Denim Jacket - Mango, Jeans - Gap, Boots - Boohoo Coats and boots are always the items of clothing where it is absolutely essential and acceptable to buy a new pair every year as autumn/winter approaches, and this year I went for worker boots from Boohoo. Whether you call them worker/military/biker boots,… Continue reading Worker Boots

Sports Luxe

Top - Thrifted, Jacket - Ilse Jacobsen Hornbaek, Jeans - Gap, Trainers - Nike, Watch - Marc Jacobs, Rucksack - thrifted, Rings & Bracelets - Born Pretty One of the hardest things about blogging is going out to shoot and having people stare. It can be really awkward, so I suppose I'm lucky to live in the countryside where they aren't usually any people around to see me.… Continue reading Sports Luxe


Pink - One Direction, White - Rimmel White Hot Love, Black - Nail Art Pen by Rio Stripy nail art is something that I always come back to because of its simplicity and the fact you can recreate it in so many different ways. This design was taken from my WAH nail art book, which has come in useful for… Continue reading WAH

Urban Side

Sweatshirt ~ Son of Stag | Jeans ~ Bershka | Boots ~ Christian Cota | Watch ~ Marc Jacobs Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a long day at College with extra History revision - now that's dedication! I'm back today, though, with another new location which is a bit more on the urban… Continue reading Urban Side