
Shirt - Select, Heels - M&S (thrifted), Headphones - Sony ZX310, iPhone Case - Marc Jacobs It's quite appropriate that I did my work experience at a charity shop this week, because a lot of my blog posts are centred around thrift shopping and all of the different and amazing bargains you can pick up. I feel like I'm a… Continue reading 4.50

Bargain Haul

Charity shops have been the best over the past week. The bits we've picked up are some of the nicest things I've found from thrift shopping so far, so I thought I'd do a haul blog post to show them to you. (It's also a kind of preview post, so you can have a sneaky look… Continue reading Bargain Haul

Mom Jean Shorts

Top - Nicole Farhi | Shorts - Available On My Mum's eBay Shop | Boots - Select | Belt - Killah It's so hard to find a pair of shorts which fit me properly. Most shorts these days are short shorts, and that's not really my style. I love the fit of these shorts that we found in… Continue reading Mom Jean Shorts

Thrift Shop

Shirt - Thrifted | Jeans - eBay | Shoes - Thrifted I didn't realise when I first styled this outfit, but everything I was wearing was either thrifted from charity shops, or bought off eBay. I have a thing for buying new clothes often, and it feels even better to know that I only had… Continue reading Thrift Shop

Primark Haul

Recently, I'm really into Youtubers and beauty bloggers like Zoella and Polly, and I've become addicted to watching their videos, and this is how I came across the Primark Haul videos. They're everywhere in the fashion/beauty vlogger world, and I could not stop watching them. It was definitely time for a trip to Primark so… Continue reading Primark Haul