Zoya Enchanted Collection

Just a quick little update to show you the latest collection from Zoya nail polish! Each time Zoya brings out new polishes, I get to try out the collections and share them with you here on the blog. Enchanted is the latest collection you can buy on the Zoya website and has been designed for the… Continue reading Zoya Enchanted Collection

These Boots Make Me Want To Wiggle My Feet!

Evening all! Sorry I haven't been posting as regularly as I would have liked, I went on a little road trip over the weekend and didn't get back until late on Saturday so Sunday was a bit of a recovery day! I did manage to get a quick photo shoot in while I was away… Continue reading These Boots Make Me Want To Wiggle My Feet!

November Buys

It's no secret that I'm addicted to shopping and cannot, repeat cannot, stop buying things. There are a few pieces I've bought this month already which I wanted to share with you close up. My favourite has got to be this faux-monster-fur bag (as you can probably tell from my instagram!) because it's just so cool...and pink.… Continue reading November Buys


My latest ebay venture involves a lot of thrifted vintage and modern sweatshirts, hoodies, and jumpers. Sweatshirts are one of my favourite pieces of clothing for autumn/winter -or for all year round really- and I think a lot of people would agree with me, especially for those of you living in chilly England ( however… Continue reading Sweatshirts