Tonal Dressing & How To Avoid Looking Like A Lemon

I was just discussing the other day how I don't understand people who colour co-ordinate their outfits from head to toe. I saw someone wearing a completely yellow outfit, and I wasn't down for it. Waaayyy too lemony and it wasn't right. *No offence if that was you and you're reading this...* If you read… Continue reading Tonal Dressing & How To Avoid Looking Like A Lemon

T-Shirt Dress Of Dreams | A Guide To Thrifting

You know what my favourite way of shopping used to be? Thrift shopping (or charity shopping if you're from the UK). I know some people can be grossed out at the idea of living on second hand clothing but in the age of massive sites like eBay and Depop, it's like second nature to me.… Continue reading T-Shirt Dress Of Dreams | A Guide To Thrifting

3 Ways To Wear | Killer H&M Blazer I've put together a 3 Ways To Wear video with this gorge blazer from H&M! Watch the vid above and let me know which is your fave look! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and leave me a comment telling me you're from the blog! Follow me on Instagram @notcentralfash & Bloglovin' too… Continue reading 3 Ways To Wear | Killer H&M Blazer

Finding A Designer Handbag Dupe

We all like to look at designer items when it comes to fashion but it takes a lot to actually part ways with your hard-earned dosh and invest in a designer piece. I've been this close before with a Kate Spade bag and a pair of Kurt Geiger shoes but my style and mind change far… Continue reading Finding A Designer Handbag Dupe

How To Know When You’re Becoming Too Much of a Shopaholic

So it's been firmly established that I opt for a casual outfit 10 times out of 10 on a day-to-day basis. I say day-to-day basis because getting dolled up in a dress for a blog post once in a blue moon doesn't really count does it?! It's unlikely that you'll catch me in the street… Continue reading How To Know When You’re Becoming Too Much of a Shopaholic

The Staple Jacket You Need In Your Wardrobe…NOW!

A staple in anyone's wardrobe is a shearling jacket. A couple of years ago I bought a light grey one (anyone remember this?!) and I have my Topshop denim one, but a tan suedette jacket is the ultimate shearling classic that every wardrobe should have. It's the type of jacket that can carry you right… Continue reading The Staple Jacket You Need In Your Wardrobe…NOW!

How To Get The Balance of Light & Dark Colours Right In Your Outfit

I'm braving the cold in today's blog post and unbelievably for a January, baring my legs! Yes, I was almost completely frozen, and all for the sake of this quilted mini skirt from Hollister. Why? You might ask. Because sometimes you just do what you gotta do for fashion, and because you think this outfit would… Continue reading How To Get The Balance of Light & Dark Colours Right In Your Outfit

Throwback to Scotland / Plodda Falls

It's not throwback Thursday but I'm taking it right back to November with this shoot we did at Plodda Falls in Scotland. You've seen all my other Scottish adventures (see here and here if you missed it!) but this post was sitting in my drafts box and I thought it was about time I shared… Continue reading Throwback to Scotland / Plodda Falls