Caring Less About The Numbers (Instagram)

For the longest time, I’ve been overly obsessed with numbers and stats. Yes, we’re talking Instagram here (what else?) and I know that some of you guys reading this will understand ~exactly~ what I mean. It starts with posting a picture, and it transcends into a downwards spiral of “why don’t people like my content… Continue reading Caring Less About The Numbers (Instagram)

Where Did All The Kindness Go? (A Rant About ~Rude~ People)

I've come to realise of late that there are always going to be people who don't understand you, who have a completely different world view to you, and who just don't seem to be able to see things any other way but their own. So the world would be boring if we all looked like… Continue reading Where Did All The Kindness Go? (A Rant About ~Rude~ People)

5 Things You Can Relate To As A Blogger

I wasn't sure whether to write this type of post because I didn't want to write about something that's exclusive to certain people. But hey, it's still something I wanted to write and why the heck not? We like a bit of #relatable content, so hopefully this is relatable to some of you. This is… Continue reading 5 Things You Can Relate To As A Blogger

Kindness Is One Of The Most Important Qualities

"Throw kindess around like confetti."~ the quote that graces our Pinterest feeds on the daily. Maybe a little annoying to see it day upon day, but nonetheless, an important reminder. I used to think being described as a "kind" person was boring. That was like the word "nice" - boring and unoriginal in terms of… Continue reading Kindness Is One Of The Most Important Qualities

Small Milestones | Don’t Be Afraid To Celebrate Your Little Wins

This morning I woke up, fired up the laptop, (gawd, sounds like one of those bricks from the good old days of dial up internet) and refreshed my youtube page to the sight of 100 subscribers. Ngl I did celebrate in my head and it brought a smile to my face. I debated whether or… Continue reading Small Milestones | Don’t Be Afraid To Celebrate Your Little Wins

Creativity: The Need To Create

Creativity. I never used to consider myself as creative. To me, that meant drawing, painting, anything art-related, and honestly, I can't draw to save my life. But turns out, creativity means much more than that. I mean, I used to spend hours playing dressing up games on the computer, and inventing lives for my bratz… Continue reading Creativity: The Need To Create

Be Urself & Stay Weird | A Little Reminder

Let's talk about being yourself, friends. Because let's be real here: being yourself is probably one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do in life. Why is it such a big deal to be who you ~really~ are around other humans? There's something in that thought which instills huge amounts of anxiety in… Continue reading Be Urself & Stay Weird | A Little Reminder

It’s OK To Be In The Stay At Home Club

The Stay At Home club. My favourite club, and the best club I've ever been a part of. Beats netball club and it sure beats after-school French club. And I've spent way too many wasted hours worrying about the amount of time I spend at this club. Ask people to name their happy place and… Continue reading It’s OK To Be In The Stay At Home Club

Coming To Terms With My Internet Addiction

Last week my wifi went down. Not just for an hour or two, but for four whole days. Connection was lost on Saturday afternoon and no-one could get out to fix it until Wednesday. Thanks BT. I was distraught at first. No Instagram? No blog? No internet shopping? Basically, no communication with the outside world.… Continue reading Coming To Terms With My Internet Addiction

Happy International Women’s Day

Hey guys and gals and happy international women's day! Here's to all the crazy, beautiful, brilliant women of the world. Because where would we be without them? Whether it's your mum or Beyonce, there's got to be at least one woman in your life that you're grateful for right now. And hey, this week it… Continue reading Happy International Women’s Day