A Music Post: My Summer Playlist

I'm back at it with another music post today. These music ones are few and far between, but I'm thinking I should make them seasonal. Because the type of music I'm listening to is usually reflective of the time of year. And with that in mind, today's playlist is coming to you alongside a big… Continue reading A Music Post: My Summer Playlist

5 Music Hits | My Current Artist Favourites

It's been such a long time since I shared my music favourites on the blog. I checked back on my blog archives and apart from this post I did in January, I haven't done a full music update since 2015. That's three years ago guys! And I with loads of good album releases last week… Continue reading 5 Music Hits | My Current Artist Favourites

Music and Fashion are Basically the Same Thing

I never really talk about music on the blog anymore. Back in my first days of blogging, I'd share a song I was loving every single week on a #nowplaying series. But these days all my content seems to be limited to fashion. (Not that I'm complaining because fashion's my first and foremost.) But it… Continue reading Music and Fashion are Basically the Same Thing


Every Friday I get excited to look at what new albums have been released on Spotify. This weekend, I'm going to have Ellie's new album on repeat. Check out Delirium here, and let me know what you're listening to this weekend in the comments! xx Sophie Find me on:  Twitter | Facebook | Bloglovin’ | Instagram

Music Update

--- 4 September 2015 --- I was just updating my #NOWPLAYING widget with the latest music I've been listening to on repeat, and I thought I'd do a quick post to go into a bit more detail. I chose Ella Eyre's new album, Feline, for the widget because I've been listening to that a lot… Continue reading Music Update

August Playlist

--- 27 August 2015 --- Music is a big part of my every day life- I'm constantly listening to something whether I'm driving, getting ready in the morning, or blogging. While I've got Jess Glynne's I Cry When I Laugh album on repeat currently, I've also compiled a playlist for August. It's made up of a few… Continue reading August Playlist

My June Playlist

--- 26 June 2015 ---   Listening to music takes up a lot of my time day to day, but I haven't done a Music Monday post for a while. I thought that instead I'd create monthly playlists of many different artists and songs I'm into. Today I'm bringing to you a playlist which I've been working… Continue reading My June Playlist