Jumpsuits Are The New Dresses | Boohoo #AD

I thought I’d sit down and write a post dedicated to jumpsuits, because who else thinks they’re really underrated? Dresses - I’m over ‘em. In fact, I was never really all that into them anyway. (Do I need to go into the specifics of my most-of-the-time-non-existent relationship with dresses again? Didn’t think so. Read it… Continue reading Jumpsuits Are The New Dresses | Boohoo #AD

Occasion Wear with Boohoo | Graduations, Weddings, Summer Parties

Occasion wear 101. From the girl who never dresses up. But then maybe that's a good thing. A fresh pair of eyes to tell you exactly where you need to be shopping for every occasion this summer. We've all got something to RSVP to, whether that's your graduation ball, a friend's wedding, or simply a… Continue reading Occasion Wear with Boohoo | Graduations, Weddings, Summer Parties

The Button-Through Trend

Hands up who has noticed that buttons are gracing all stores on the high street. It seems like button-through tops, dresses and playsuits are on the brain, and I for one am loving it. They're the perfect embellishment to perk up your plain jane cami while maintaining that subtlety you need to keep your capsule… Continue reading The Button-Through Trend

I Wore A Dress & Documented It For The Blog

I've written posts before about personal style and how you should dress for how you feel on the day {read here}. So today I felt like dressing like a girl. I know, I know, in this day and age, how can you really categorise dressing like a girl or a boy? And what does dressing… Continue reading I Wore A Dress & Documented It For The Blog

Printed Trousers & Where To Buy Them

I've admitted many times before on the blog, I'm a jeans girl through and through. Yet lately I seem to have developed an affinity for printed trousers. With the arrival of spring (finally) my desire to acquire (poet and I didn't know it) a selection of these trousers has heightened. My collection currently consists of… Continue reading Printed Trousers & Where To Buy Them

5 Things That Motivate Me On A Monday | Figuring Out My Black Overalls

What's happened to the weather? Last weekend I thought we were finally starting to see the beginnings of summer. Now we're back to single figure temperatures and bucket fulls of rain. As if I didn't find it hard enough already to drag myself out of bed on my days off and actually do something productive,… Continue reading 5 Things That Motivate Me On A Monday | Figuring Out My Black Overalls

Reinventing The Same Old Look with Zaful

My day to day uniform is pretty basic. You'd think it would be more exciting considering I have the blog to create content for, but jeans and jumper and I'm done. Sometimes I hate on myself for not having a "more interesting" general style, but I know that I shouldn't care that much. After all,… Continue reading Reinventing The Same Old Look with Zaful

Getting Into Florals With Ideal of Sweden

When it comes to prints, florals aren't normally on my radar. I'm good with stripes, I'm really good with gingham, and polka dots have even been weaving their way into my wardrobe lately. Yet florals are a different story. And it's not like I have anything against floral patterns. They just don't scream, "wear me!"… Continue reading Getting Into Florals With Ideal of Sweden

Be Urself & Stay Weird | A Little Reminder

Let's talk about being yourself, friends. Because let's be real here: being yourself is probably one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do in life. Why is it such a big deal to be who you ~really~ are around other humans? There's something in that thought which instills huge amounts of anxiety in… Continue reading Be Urself & Stay Weird | A Little Reminder

Accessorising with Pamela Mann

It's probably something I've touched on before here on the blog because it's always been something I'm bad at: accessorising. I can put together (what I think is) a decent outfit, but can I accessorise? The answer's no. No, I can't accessorise to save my life. OK, so maybe that's not entirely true: I can… Continue reading Accessorising with Pamela Mann