Where Did All The Kindness Go? (A Rant About ~Rude~ People)

a rant about rude people

I’ve come to realise of late that there are always going to be people who don’t understand you, who have a completely different world view to you, and who just don’t seem to be able to see things any other way but their own. So the world would be boring if we all looked like each other, sounded like each other, and agreed with each other. But there has to be a balance between being completely stuck in your own self-absorbed bubble, and being able to see a range of views, choosing the one that most fits you, and accepting that not everyone will agree. Right?

I’m not necessarily talking politics here (although that probably is an obvious example), but I think anyone who has ever worn ripped jeans can relate when I say there’s always somebody who has to remark on the fact that you’ve paid for jeans which already have holes in them. OK so yeah, it’s normally somebody’s granny who comes out with that frustratingly predictable line, and no hate to the grannies out there but it’s getting kind of annoying, ya feel? Yes I know that back in your day ripped jeans weren’t a thing, and I also know that you probably don’t like them, but can you kindly keep your opinions to yourself and accept that ripped jeans equals fashion in the year of 2018?

a rant about rude people a rant about rude people a rant about rude people a rant about rude people

I felt like last week consisted of a non-stop stream of unnecessary comments from people, which actually came across as kind of insulting. You know the kind of insults that you dole out to your nearest and dearest as a way of taking the mick out of them because it’s funny, but you wouldn’t use on anyone else out of respect? Those kind. And I’m normally able to brush them off; they are just jokes after all. But a build up of these remarks, mostly appearance-oriented might I add, have started to take their toll and wear away at my patience this week. I don’t see the need for snide comments that people seem to think are acceptable to dish out, and quite frankly I think they’re down right ~rude~.

Why can’t people take part in some good old fashioned kindness any more? Because apparently in this day and age it’s not about being kind, it’s about winning. And that’s where it all starts to go wrong. People have become way too obsessed with being the best, being on top, that they lose sight of everything and everyone but themselves along the way. But if being a winner means sacrificing fundamental human qualities like kindness, then why would you want to be one? Surely it’s no fun out there on your own.

a rant about rude people a rant about rude people a rant about rude people a rant about rude people a rant about rude people

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a rant about rude people a rant about rude people a rant about rude people a rant about rude people

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