How My Love / Hate Relationship With Jewellery Is Changing

I’ve always had a bit of a love / hate relationship with jewellery. It’s been something that I want to love, at the same time being something I don’t have time for. Maybe that’s been my own laziness in the past – what kind of girl who blogs about style isn’t into accessories? But that’s the thing: it’s not that I don’t love accessories, it’s more that I can’t be bothered to put them on. Weird, right? But I’d much rather be wasting my time in the morning deciding what clothes to wear. And since I don’t give myself enough time between crawling out of bed and running out the door, it’s always been the jewellery that suffers.

I had my ears pierced as a young girl and nothing since. I often wonder how cool it would be to have a second piercing on my ears, or even a third. But I’ve always said never again, because I could never even remember to wear the one pair of earrings I did have holes for. And until very recently, all I would wear was a tiny pair of studs. It wasn’t until the start of this year when I received Missoma jewellery for my birthday that I became a little bit hooked. Small, delicate, gold jewellery is apparently my new jam and Missoma has the perfect layering aesthetic going on. I’m guessing you’ve heard of Missoma before? If you haven’t then they stock some beautiful products, but they’re guaranteed to set you back a bit, especially if you can’t decide what to pick – and believe me, you won’t be able to.

And that’s where the cute little brand, Lisa Angel, comes in. Think Missoma-beautiful designs, but a little bit cheaper. Think Missoma horn necklace and then knock a hundred pounds off the price tag. And if personalisation is your thing, then they’ve totally got it covered. My personal favourite? These pretty moon and star earrings. Rose gold, crystals, and less than £15. I’m sold…obviously.

And now I’m pretty sure I’m ready to lose the “hate” off my self-proclaimed love / hate relationship with jewellery. Check out Lisa Angel here. And if you have the chance to pop into one of their shops, then do. Everything’s even more irresistible irl.

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