5 Music Hits | My Current Artist Favourites

5 music favourites

It’s been such a long time since I shared my music favourites on the blog. I checked back on my blog archives and apart from this post I did in January, I haven’t done a full music update since 2015. That’s three years ago guys! And I with loads of good album releases last week and so many good songs in the charts at the moment, I decided today was the day to chat about my current music favourites.

5 music favourites 5 music favourites

Number 1: Blossoms

I’ve been loving these guys since I discovered they were from the same area of the North as me basically. Gotta love a good Northern band, and they’ve just put out their second album, Cool Like You. My highlights from the record on first listen are ‘There’s A Reason Why (I Never Returned Your Calls)’ and ‘I Just Imagined You’. But I also still have their first self-titled album on repeat, and ‘Honey Sweet’ made me really want to buy this t-shirt, so…

Number 2: Post Malone

Another new release from last Friday, and a record which I think is either going to be a grower on me, or I’ll just end up picking out my faves and have those on repeat. ‘rockstar’ and ‘Psycho’ have been bangers, and I feel like there’s going to be loads of hype around ‘Stay’. The latter is definitely one I could play round and round on loop. It’s a little bit different to some of Post’s other releases, and I love the more guitar-heavy vibes.

5 music favourites 5 music favourites

Number 3: Ariana Grande

Always been a fan, even back when she was on Nickelodeon’s show Victorious. {Yep, just admitted that I watched that.} I’m calling it: ‘No Tears Left To Cry’ is going to be a huge hit. And if it isn’t then at least I’m obsessed with it. The perfect pop song if ever there was one.

Number 4: Anne Marie

She finally dropped her debut album last week and this is one that I’ve been waiting on for so long. The ultimate cool girl style, and a killer voice. She has some of the coolest pop songs and if you don’t believe me on her voice, then just google her cover of Dangerous Woman. You’re guaranteed to be converted.

Number 5: Ben Howard

It’s been four years since he put out any music, and ohmygosh is he back. He was Annie Mac’s hottest record a few weeks ago with ‘A Boat To An Island On The Wall’ and I tuned it to hear it being played for the very first time. It’s very different, definitely not the typical song you’d hear on the radio, and I think it’s going to be one that people either get or don’t get at all. Me? I’m loving it. Along with his two other releases since then. It’s one of those sounds you have to be in the mood for, and it’s not for everyone. If you’ve been a fan of Ben in the past, though, I think you’re going to love it.

5 music favourites 5 music favourites 5 music favourites 5 music favourites 5 music favourites 5 music favourites 5 music favourites

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