5 Things That Motivate Me On A Monday | Figuring Out My Black Overalls

5 things that motivate me & black overalls

What’s happened to the weather? Last weekend I thought we were finally starting to see the beginnings of summer. Now we’re back to single figure temperatures and bucket fulls of rain. As if I didn’t find it hard enough already to drag myself out of bed on my days off and actually do something productive, now the urge to stay curled under the duvet is even stronger.

At the best of times I have a real struggle to motivate myself when I’m not in the routine of work. I had the whole week off last week and I feel like I spent a majority of it scrolling through Instagram and moaning about how cold it was. Really I should’ve been stocking up on video and photo content. Now I’m left with minimal blog material and no opportunities to go out and shoot, thanks to godawful weather and a lack of photographer until Saturday.

Still, I’m giving it my best shot to keep up with my blogging schedule, and since it’s Monday (posting day) and I’m in a little rut, why not share with you my tips on how to motivate yourself. At the very least, I’m praying that I’ll take notice of my own advice and get my bum in gear. This is 5 things that motivate me on a Monday. {Or pretty much any day of the week that procrastination takes control.}

5 things that motivate me & black overalls 5 things that motivate me & black overalls

1. Get In The Zone. It’s the main point because once I’m in the zone, that’s pretty much it. I’m good to go with whatever tasks I have planned. It’s the getting into the zone in the first place that’s the tricky part. I find that the easiest way to get there is to plan out my day the night before. I make a list of all the things I want to achieve and decide what time I’m going to get out of bed when I wake up. Usually, the best thing to do is allow yourself a small lie in to scroll through Insta instead of forcing yourself up at the sound of the alarm. That, for me, does not motivate.

2. Scroll Through Pinterest. I know what you’re thinking: this is a risky situation to get yourself into. We all know what it’s like when you get sucked into the black hole of the internet. It’s easy to find that two hours have passed without you even realising it. But this one is a good one for me if I have to shoot outfits that day. I can waste an hour staring into the depths of my wardrobe, wondering why I don’t have anything to wear. (When obvs the problem is the opposite: I just have too much choice.) So Pinterest gives me a clear idea of what look I’m going for when picking out my clothes for the day. It’s an inspiration thing.

3. Blast The Good Music. I cannot work without listening to music. Fact. Words do not flow through my fingers when I’m sitting in silence. Or worse, when so much other stuff is going on in the house around me that I can’t concentrate. So grab yourself a good pair of headphones (EarPods or Beats all the way) and set up a playlist of your fave songs to motivate you while you work through your jobs list. If I’m feeling bored of all the music saved in my Spotify account and don’t have time to sit and curate a playlist, (cos let’s be real, that would burn another hour or so) my trick is to simply shuffle all songs in my collection. It brings up so many gems you forgot were even on there. *Literally just came across a Frank Ocean song I never knew existed*

4. Read Your Favourite Blogs. When I’m stuck for what to write, my favourite thing to do is visit the blogs I love to read. And no, I don’t mean copy their latest posts. But taking your mind away from your own posting deadlines and just simply reading someone else’s words can really set the inspiration flowing again for me. Whether it’s their writing style, the fact they can make you lol with how relatable their subject is, or the way they punctuated that last sentence that sticks in your mind. It’s only like reading books – they improve your own writing and isn’t that the end goal with blogging?

5. Think Of Your ASOS Wishlist. What’s better at motivating you than that pair of shoes you just added to your wishlist on ASOS? OK, so maybe you’re like me and keep on buying way too many clothes, but if you’ve gotta get stuff done and you really need something material to make you work for it, then set yourself a goal to reach so that you can then treat yourself to a(nother) new purchase. If you’ve earned it then that justifies spending your $$$ on it, right? Logic.

5 things that motivate me & black overalls 5 things that motivate me & black overalls

And that’s all I’ve got for ya by way of motivation tips, guys and gals. I hope they help. If not, I must try harder to motivate myself next time to write a better post. Before I sign off for today, lemme just talk to you about this jumpsuit. (If you’ve made it this far then pat on the back for you, pals.) So if you saw my Instagram stories then I was trying to figure out the best way to wear this jumpsuit. It looks effortlessly cool and slouchy on the website, but to pull it off in real life? ‘Nother story my friends. I’m really happy with how this looks in the end, but be warned, I did have to pin it at the back so that it didn’t hang too long and loose. Once you get the overalls right, you’ve got yourself a pretty cool, simple outfit. And that’s my favourite kind.

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I’m wearing:

overalls c/o SheIn*

Zara jumper (old)

Supergas c/o Farfetch*

5 things that motivate me & black overalls

Follow me on Instagram @notcentralfash & Bloglovin’ so you never miss a beat!

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