Accessorising with Pamela Mann

It’s probably something I’ve touched on before here on the blog because it’s always been something I’m bad at: accessorising. I can put together (what I think is) a decent outfit, but can I accessorise? The answer’s no. No, I can’t accessorise to save my life. OK, so maybe that’s not entirely true: I can accessorise when I put my mind to it, but remembering to do it in the first place is a real challenge.

I slip into the habit of wearing the same earrings, the same necklace, the same bag, day in day out. Not until I lose the back to my earring do I decide it’s time for a new pair. And only when the bottom of my bag becomes so full of chewing gum wrappers and fluff do I swap it out for an alternative. It’s a vicious cycle that I get stuck in, simply because accessories are so far at the back of my mind that I just don’t think about them.

So having said all this about the basics like earrings and the necessities like handbags, you can probably guess that tights and socks are usually even less of a priority for me in everyday life. I only really bust out tights once in a blue moon (and even then they’re Primark’s ~trusty but plain black~ super cosy tights). And socks, well you’re lucky if those don’t go on inside out. So when the lovely people at Pamela Mann reached out to me and offered to send over some of their products, I was more than happy to receive some assistance in the accessory department. Now I literally have no excuse not to be accessorising my ripped jeans with fishnets every day of the week.

Wearing the Festival Powerful Pink tights and the White Ankle Socks with Striped Welt*

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