Paid Advertisements, Sponsored Content, and Hashtag AD

I thought I’d take today to talk about paid advertisements and sponsored content. Because as a blogger, it’s something that you come to realise is quite important. As you grow your blog and look to start monetising it, making sure you disclose which content is being paid for and which isn’t becomes a huge thing to consider. I decided to address this directly on the blog because when I first started working with companies, I didn’t really know much about hashtag AD, nor could I find a good place to educate myself on it. So here’s hoping this might benefit some of you if you’re just as confused as I was.

I guess the first thing to talk about is why it’s so important to disclose this information. When I first posted about a product I’d been gifted, I felt very awkward to shout about it. I didn’t really want anyone to know I was hyping up something I hadn’t actually purchased myself in case they didn’t think I was being genuine, or that I was showing off. So finding a subtle way to drop it into conversation in a blog post was the way I went about it. But last year, the Federal Trade Commission issued warnings to the likes of Rih Rih and Kylie Jenner that they must clearly mark when a post is being sponsored by a company. And since then, I’ve started to see #ad and #spon popping up in my feed a lot more regularly.

So does it feel weird for lil’ old me to be attaching #ad to the end of a caption when my little 1K seems minute in comparison to Kim KW’s 107 mil? Yes. Yes it does. But the rules are simple: if you’ve been compensated in any way for a post, then you gotta say so. Whether you’re being paid outright, or you’ve simply been sent that t-shirt in return for a pic and a tag, then hashtag AD it. (And do it in the caption, not the comments, people.)

The question now: why do some people have an issue with it? After all, advertising is a huge part of a blogger’s job. And we all gotta earn the $$$ somehow, right? There’s nothing to be ashamed or feel awkward about for disclosing the fact that you’re a total boss babe. Working with companies on collaborations is one of the most exciting parts about having a blog. Making those connections with brands you love is pretty cool, and being able to share that with an audience is even better. So let’s all just hashtag AD it loud and proud, because why would you hide something you love, and honestly, are pretty proud of?

* this post is not sponsored lol *

Items featured:

Stradivarius boots

ASOS sunglasses

Wonderland magazine

Follow me on Instagram @notcentralfash & Bloglovin’ so you never miss a beat!

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