How I Edit My Photos (Updated)

Back in October I spilled the secrets on how I edited my photos for Instagram and the blog. Well as we know, fashions change and so does my taste in editing. Currently, I’m really loving the vintage vibes in photos. That scratchy effect adds another dimension to a photo. (Not to mention it works wonders in covering up the blemishes on your face.) So keep reading if you’re interested to hear which apps are my go-tos. And if you really couldn’t care less then just scroll for the pics…’cuz the sun came out for once and it makes me happy to see it shine in photos. Hopefully they can brighten up your Monday too : )

So, onto the juicy bit: the apps and filters I use on my pictures every single day. Did I mention these are all absolutely free too? Obvs that’s the best part, right!?

1- Facetune.

One I only discovered recently, but probably my biggest saviour. Say goodbye to bad skin days translating on camera with this epic app. Where have I been all this time? If you’re late to the Facetune party as well, then with this app you can smooth out your skin, remove pesky spots, and banish your dark circles. And even better, you can choose how strongly you want to smooth out your face so you can maintain some level of natural. You don’t wanna get too fake, after all.

2- Lightroom.

So I finally decided to invest in Lightroom. I say invest, but this app is actually completely free (apart from the add-ons you can buy in-app if you wish!). So praise the lord for free Lightroom because this is as good as you expect it to be. I use this for general lightening, brightening, and colour adjustments. Plus, for these sunny pictures, the “high contrast” and “punchy detail” presets are some of my faves to really bring out colour, shadow, and contrast.

3- Afterlight.

The amazing app behind the scratchy, vintage-looking filters. This is the one I’ve been searching for and gives me heart-eye-emoji feeling every time. I previously used Snapseed for the grainy texture filter, but Afterlight goes one step further, my friends. Under the little film icon, you can select the dusty filters and my top 3 are 10, 11, and 12.

And that’s about it, folks. My 3 free go-to apps to edit all of my pictures. I’ve posted before and after pics on my Instagram story so if you’re reading this within 24 hours of it going live, you can see the difference over at @notcentralfash.

I’m wearing:

jumper c/o LOTD*

Topshop jeans

ASOS glasses (sold out)

Follow me on Instagram @notcentralfash & Bloglovin’ so you never miss a beat!

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