Goals (Not Resolutions) For The New Year

My goals for 2018

So it’s the fourth of January and everyone’s writing about their new years resolutions. Not once in my life have I sat down and set said resolutions for myself, however. I just don’t see the point in them. They’re usually so generic like go to the gym twice a week, eat more healthily, and everyone always gives up by the end of January. So why would I bother with them when they just seem like a waste of time? I’ve never gone to the gym in my life (apart from being forced there in high school PE lessons) and I’m not about to start now.

Having said all of the above, I am quite enjoying seeing everyone’s goals for 2018, and I do actually have some of my own. Goals, ladies and gentlemen. Different to resolutions, and way more me.

So I guess I thought I’d share them with you guys here on the blog. {If you’re not interested then just skip to the pictures – I got a very apt t-shirt from my sis for christmas, and I’m calling it the ultimate January t-shirt.} Now imma bullet point this for you because you know what? I love a blog post with bullet points and that is all.

  • My goals basically revolve around my blog. I’ve been doing this for over four years now and I don’t intend to stop any time soon. When I’m not at work, this blog is pretty much my life, and I want that to continue throughout 2018.
  • More consistent posting is the first step for me. My plan is to post here on the blog twice a week. No more sporadic posting. Lemme know if there’s a specific day you’d like to see posts on cuz I’m easy.
  • I know they say that numbers aren’t everything but my Instagram has been stuck at a point for way too long now. Insta is my jam and I’d love to grow my following on there. P.S. if you don’t follow me on Instagram yet then please do! (@notcentralfash) #shamelessselfpromo
  • I started up my youtube in 2017 and loved it. Then I stopped for a bit. Now I’m back and my aim is to get a video up every single week this year. Video ideas now welcome.
  • Post the content that I love! I know I mentioned the numbers just a few short seconds ago but I also want to just post images and words that I really love. No matter whether I think they’re going to bring in views and follows or not. Cos at the end of the day, I’m doing this blogging lark for fun and you can never have too much fun, especially not in 2018.

My goals for 2018 My goals for 2018

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I’m wearing:

French Connection t-shirt

Topshop jeans

My goals for 2018 My goals for 2018 My goals for 2018

Follow me on Instagram @notcentralfash & Bloglovin’ so you never miss a beat!

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