Glossybox Unboxing | January Edition

I received my January Glossybox a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how much I’m loving the products inside this time round. It’s not that the products aren’t usually good – you get some amazing samples for a really low price and I definitely recommend subscribing if you’re considering it! – but when you’ve subscribed to one beauty box or another for over a year, it can get a little samey. You find that there’s a lot of moisturisers, and while it’s nice to be able to try out the different brands that Glossybox work with, there’s only so many tubes of cream a girl can take! To be honest, the last few months I haven’t been that into it, and the whole unboxing thing hasn’t been that exciting to me anymore. Did you notice I stopped doing my monthly unboxing posts here on the blog? (Check out the last unboxing I did here) I know that the products in this month’s box are also heavily focused on skincare, but there’s something about them that caught my attention and made me a little bit more excited about Glossybox again.

It’s not that I’ve never been interested in skincare – I mean, who doesn’t want amazing clear skin? – it’s more that there are so many products out there that I just find it kind of impossible to figure out which one is for me. It really doesn’t help that I’m usually unwilling to spend all my hard earned dollar on moisturiser, cleanser, facial scrub and all the other potions and lotions that have been invented these days. These products cost a bomb, and how am I meant to know whether they’re actually gonna work for me until I’ve blown my money and tried them?

I guess that’s where Glossybox come in pretty handy. You can try and test all the different brands – some popular ones (Benefit’s usually a fave with these beauty boxes) and some you’ve never heard of before – and then decide for yourself which ones you wanna invest in.

I think my favourite product out of this box is the Nip+Fab Kale Fix Moisturiser. It’s one you can use morning and night, but I’ve found it works best as a before-bed face cream. It’s quite thick and leaves my skin feeling slightly sticky for a while so I like to leave it on overnight and then wash my face in the morning. It’s not really something I’d want to wear underneath my make-up because of its sticky nature!

The Unani Il-luminate Milk Cleanser is also a winner for me. Cleanser is something I always feel like I don’t have time for. I want something quick and simple to apply in the mornings when I’m on my way out to work, and guess what? That is exactly what this product is. Slap it on ya face, massage it into your skin, and then wash it straight off. Simple as. My skin if left feeling super soft and re-hydrated once I’ve used it too – bonus.

I’m also never normally one for face masks. In fact I think the last time I used one before this, it made my skin burn almost as soon as I put it on my face, and there was a mad dash to the sink to wash my face before I turned into a tomato-head. This manuka honey one was very gentle and cooling on my face, though, and despite it being one of those all-in-one face sheet masks, it didn’t slip off my face once! Now that’s a miracle face mask.

There were a couple of other products inside January’s Glossybox too, but I thought this was mainly a great skincare-focused box, full of products to illuminate and re-hydrate your skin, perfect for this time of year when your skin is typically at its driest.

Let me know if you subscribe to a beauty box, or subscribe to Glossybox for £10 a month here! xx Sophie

Follow me on Instagram for more photos and bts stuff  @notcentralfash

Nip + Fab Kale Fix Moisturiser, TheBalm Meet Matt(e) Trimony Eyeshadow, Unani Il-luminate Milk Cleanser, Vitamasques Manuka Honey Face Mask, Hairon Zero Crease Hair Ties

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