The Skirt for Winter with Romwe


Today I’m styling a quirky skirt which I was very lucky to receive from Romwe this week. It’s the sort of skirt my Nana would be horrified by and offer to buy me a new one, but I love its grunge, torn-apart look! If you visited my blog earlier this summer then you might have seen the blog post I did about my denim mini skirt. It was one of my favourite pieces at the time so I was quite excited to add a grey version to my wardrobe. Although I’m planning on styling the denim version for autumn and posting it on the blog soon, I feel that this grey skirt is more winter-appropriate so I can’t wait to get some more wear out of it.



You might have seen a sneaky little pic of the goodies I bought in Primark on my Instagram already (Primark haul coming to the blog next week!) and this was one of the jumpers I picked up. It’s actually a longline jumper – a style I don’t normally go for because height isn’t naturally on my side – but the dusky pink colour drew me towards it, and I figured that I could easily tuck it into jeans or a skirt if I wanted more of a cropped look.





I know that some people can be a bit wary of sites like Romwe because of concerns about the quality of the clothing – how can something be so cheap and still good quality? – but I was really impressed with this skirt. It’s decent denim-style material, and for me the fit is absolutely perfect. I got this in a size small so if you normally buy  a size 6 or a 25″ waist then this will be a perfect fit for you too. Romwe do provide all the measurements on the website too, so it’s easy to work out what size you’ll need.



What do you think about this grunge piece? Do you normally shop at Romwe and has your experience been as good as mine? xx Sophie

Follow me on Instagram @notcentralfash 🙂

Wearing skirt c/o Romwe* (here), Primark jumper (similar here), H&M boots (old, similar here), Fiorelli bag (here), New Look belt (similar here)

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