Why Good Clothes Come To Those Who Wait


Despite my incredibly slow wifi, I’m finally managing to get this post out to you. *note to self* upload photos in advance of writing/publishing a post to avoid a one-two hour delay (I listened to a whole Arctic Monkeys album before this thing was ready to publish). Anyway, I will not use this post to rant about the joys of internet speed, but rather to talk to you about this incredible baby pink suedette pinafore I bought for £10. So, here’s the story…I saw some gorgeous full-length pink dungarees in a magazine and decided that they were probably going to end up in my wardrobe before too long. However, they were £60 from Topshop so I didn’t race out that minute to buy them, and quite right I was to wait. A few days later on one of my regular trips into Primark, this pinafore (what could be the little sister of that Topshop gem) jumped into my arms. Literally. And for a little £10, I feel it would have been rude of me to put it back on the shelf. Now here it is on the blog, and what do you know, my bank balance is still looking good!

I styled it up and down all at once, throwing a white tee on underneath and a pair of too-high heels alongside it. Of course, the look would be nothing without a trusty hat, and what better hat to do the job than this lil’ wool one I got in the sale at H&M recently. I’m really diggin’ this hat at the moment. It’s a perfect small size and in a neutral colour, it’s the most wearable day-to-day hat I’ve ever bought. I never really used to be a hat person but my collection seems to be growing and growing at the moment, and I’m OK with that.

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What do you think of my look? Do you like how I styled this cute pinafore up and down all at once? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! xx Sophie

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Wearing: Primark pinafore (similar Topshop number here), H&M hat (on sale here!), Truffle heels, Necklace c/o Born Pretty* (here), Mango T-shirt (here)

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