Get Involved / Zoya Earth Day Exchange

NCFzoyaearthday-1 NCFzoyaearthday-4 NCFzoyaearthday-2
NCFzoyaearthday-7 NCFzoyaearthday-5Get involved with Zoya’s Earth Day Exchange and trade in your old bottles of polish for some natural Big5free alternatives from Zoya! All you have to do is send in your old bottles and Zoya will do the recycling for you. Then pick out the new polishes you want (minimum 6 bottles) and get preparing your nails for some brand new summer shades! Use code ZGREEN at the checkout to get a 50% credit to your exchange order, and don’t faff – you’ve only got until 30th April 2016! If you’re in America & Canada, please get involved and do your bit for Earth Day! xx Sophie

For further information & full Ts & Cs, click here!

Pictured: Naked Manicure Naked Base (here), Naked Manicure Glossy Seal (here), Pink polish “Tulip” from Petals Collection (here), White polish “Leia” from Petals Collection (here), Green polish “Jace” (here)

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