The Body Shop / Summer Haul

NCFbodyshophaul-7Illness has overtaken me this week, and though I’ve been off work with it, it’s been so frustrating not being able to get out and shoot outfit pics for the blog. I really can’t wait to get back into it, but for now, I’m bringing you all the flatlays/beauty posts/hauls I can come up with. My sister ordered some things off The Body Shop the other day, so when they arrived today I snatched them from her hands to shoot some photos. It’s boring being ill, ok? NCFbodyshophaul-1 NCFbodyshophaul-2 NCFbodyshophaul-3Since they only arrived this afternoon, and they’re not even my purchases anyway, I can’t give you any kind of review or thoughts on each product, but they made pretty pictures so I think that’s enough for you to be tempted into buying them yourselves! My sister actually bought the foot cream for me as a lil’ surprise, so shoutout to sis – thank you. Did you read my last Birchbox post where I got a foot care cream sample and told you how I’m all about them at the moment? If you missed it, give it a read here and find out how you can get your hands on a Birchbox for yourself! NCFbodyshophaul-4 NCFbodyshophaul-5 NCFbodyshophaul-6

Don’t all these products look so gorgeous? The packaging is so happy and summery and along with this lovely weather we’re having today, is managing to cheer me up a bit. How is your week going? Let me know if it’s sunny where you are and what you’ve been up to! xx Sophie

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